Scene 3 - A quiet moment for the two pairs

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Somewhere else hidden away in the complex below the planet's surface, Vishar and Tara quietly discuss personal matters between each other, rather sweetly. It is somewhere nearer to the surface, but a damp, filthy and inhospitable environment it is. They stand close together as they try to squeeze in the cramped space, especially with the ladder built into the wall, leading back up to the light of the baron surface.


Not going well is it?


No. Listen, Tara, I just made up that excuse to leave because I need to talk to someone about what's going on. I feel soon that someone like Traag is going to go, well, too far and do something daft.


To your father?


Yes. My father knows Corvax better than any of us.


Yes, but we don't know all that about him, do we?


I know. What worries me is that my father is going to get struck down and taken away. As for the others, they will go to destroy Corvax, and they will all be wiped out.


What do you think we should do then?


The only thing is really talk.


But that doesn't work with people like Traag and his followers.


Two mis-fits. Exactly.


Come on Vishar, it will be alright in the end, won't it. We'll find a peaceful solution to this problem.

It is a cute, sweet moment of a will they/won't they, leaning in for a kiss almost. However, voices are heard up the ladder and halting their moment.


Who's that up there?


How can anyone be on the surface of the planet? Corvax will spot them, he might kill them.


Right. So which idiots have gone up there for a stroll we must get back. Come on.

Tara jumps onto the ladder first to climb up. Upon the surface, some far distance away from the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe stand around like a couple of unprepared chickens, waiting to be shot by a poacher. They stand near the platform, impatient and bored.


You see Zoe, this is what happens when we let the Doctor explore around for a bit – we wait ages for him to finish up.


Oh, do stop Jamie. Anyway, you did encourage him to fly the TARDIS and explore, and now we're somewhere that the Doctor once recognized and is set on discovering what happened to the planet.


Ay, I suppose you're right.


When am I never right, thank you very much.


Lots of times.


That was a statement Jamie, not a question.


Yes, well you come from a land over three hundred years ahead of me.

The pavement stone suddenly rises out like a door, revealing both Tara and Vishar.


Who are they?


What the?


People? Real people? How?


I'm Jamie by the way.


Never mind about that, Corvax might see you. Get down here with us, quickly.


But what about the Doctor?


Not time, get down here before we are all killed.

They usher them down into the underground tunnel without a second thought.




Just like that then?

The entrance seals back up. The Doctor is left standing on the platform of the edge, scanning the house, unaware of where his friends are. He spots a figure in the distance of the house.


Funny, who's that?

The figure the Doctor has spotted also has a device of some kind like a pair of binoculars. The figure of this creature is revealed when he pulls the object down. It is some kind of bird-headed man with green eyes and a human torso, yet his feet and bird-like any other kind of bird. Almost a human with bird-like features. Wearing only but its black cape in a fluffy brown coating of its body, it speaks in a low gravelly voice.


Odd. None of the bipeheads look anything as peculiar as that.

The Doctor is also puzzled at this being.


Strange being. No, it couldn't be. If it was hostile it would have shot me by now.

Corvax waves at the Doctor to come down and greet himself, the Doctor repeats this.

He must want me to come down and greet him. Zoe...

He turns around to talk to his friends who are absent and where he doesn't know where they are hiding.

Zoe? Jamie? Why must they always wander off I have no idea.

From his capacious pockets, he brings out a note and pen. After scribbling on it a note, he leaves it back down where he was standing, so it can be easily collected by his friends who will find it. He then sprints down, finding a way, to get to the house below.

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