2. Moving In

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I came to a stop in front of the apartment complex that me and the other members of T4H now lived as well as other idols from YGE. I shut off my bike and pulled my helmet off just to take it all in. This place is huge! They even brought my car over as well, so I don't have to. I couldn't help but smile, these apartments are supposed to be really nice. They were built specifically for YG Entertainment's top idols so they were top of the line. Although, given the size and the fact that some idols are going to be leaving the industry soon, likely, it will probably end up just being the idol dorms.

Right, I should explain why someone who's basically a trainee like me and my group is getting to move into the apartments meant for YG's top idols, or idols at all. Even though we're trainees, the numbers on our groups YouTube are rivaling the top groups. We were allowed to release a music video for the pre-debut song we performed at the music show and the views and likes just kept climbing. Though we only really got to because of the numbers that were coming in. Because of that, my uncle is expecting huge things from us. The only reason we haven't debuted is because I can't fluently speak Korean, well, I can speak enough to get by comfortably, but that's it. That's why me and Jisoo were able to became so close. But Uncle Yang wants me to be fluent. Anyway, we're gaining fans like crazy.

A quick look around told me that Blackpink's, as well as other female idols apartments, are in the dorms across the lot from ours. Man, these places are nice. They're huge and they have a lane specifically for our shuttles to pick us up and drop us off. Makes getting to schedules a bit smoother and easier.

I noticed that Jisoo was jogging toward me, so I waved and she returned it.

"Annyeong!" She said stopping next to me.

"Annyeong." I replied, "What's up?"

"I will be over tonight at five to study." She struggled to get out in English.

"Okay, um." I racked my brain for a moment to put together a Korean sentence to let her know it was fine. "That sounds perfect, I look forward to it."

My attempt made her giggle, which made me chuckle with her. It was close I guess but not exact.

"Do you need help moving things in?" I asked sticking to English since I knew she could understand it pretty well.

"Would you?" She asked with a relieved expression.

"Sure thing, let me park," I said putting my helmet back on, starting the engine.

Before I took off, Jisoo jumped on the back and wrapped her arms around my waste. "I don't feel like walking all the way back." She giggled.

I chuckled and made her put my helmet on. I refuse to risk Chu getting hurt, even if the drive was short. I then drove the bike into an open parking spot.

I kicked the stand out and helped Jisoo remove the helmet, laying it on the seat, then jogged over and helped the Blackpink girls move furniture into the dorms. Honestly, they didn't have much more left. It was just awkward to maneuver into the dorms. The furniture wasn't necessary, it was small things like bean bags and makeup stands. Awkward none the less. I decided to text my members and ask them for help. After they showed up, we finished pretty quickly since having more people made it easier to get things to where they needed to be. T4H, including myself, have been really close with the girls in Blackpink for a long time. The entire time we have pushed each other to be better, even going out for dinners together to celebrate the girls' success, as well as just cause we felt like it.

"Thank you so much!" Rose said as they each gave us hugs for helping.

"It's no problem, really," Yeonghwan said scratching his nape.

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