Young and Old

143 4 6

It’s a strange thing

The circle of life

Youth and old age are not two entirely different things

They share the same section of the circle

Babies are innocent



The elderly have seen much

Their minds are too full to retain all the information they’ve collected

They can no longer do everything on their own

Little ones are squishy with baby fat

The aged are frail and growing weaker

Toddlers can bend and stretch

Foot in their mouth

Seniors need assistance

Walkers and wheelchairs

One’s life is just beginning

The other’s life is almost over

Birth and death

A continuous circle

There cannot be one without the other

And they are not terribly different

They are both the beginning

And they are both

The End


Wow.  100 parts.  100 stories and memories piled into this one little “book”.  Yes, Things to Think About is completed.  But as this final poem says, it is only the beginning.  This was only Part One.  Part Two will be titled Long Way Home and will also be 100 parts.  This will continue as long as I use Wattpad.  Of all my stories, this is by far my favorite and the easiest to write.  It’s a way for me to get my feelings out and share my ideas with the world.  I could never “end” this.  That is why it is only just the start.


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