You Are Blessed

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This is to my Youth Group Leader, Pete, who shared with us this message today.

You are so blessed

Just think about it

You have fresh water

Every time you are thirsty

You have food to eat

Every time you are hungry

You have a roof over your head

Every time you are tired

You are just so blessed

8% of the world owns a car

You are so rich

It may be a beat up, rusty Volkswagen

But you are so rich

In the USA $20 billions of dollars are spent by citizens every year on ice cream alone


Isn’t it?

Thinking of those huge numbers

When millions of people around the world live on less than $1 a day

Imagine being scared to death for your life and safety just walking to school

That bus with the screaming kids and smelly seats you ride everyday?

You are so blessed to have that instead of walking three miles for a so-so education

That new top you just bought off the designer rack at the store?

There are so many who go without proper clothes to keep them warm each day

Every 6 seconds a child dies of hunger

Today, millions of people haven’t eaten

And millions of those millions are children

Younger that you


Have you ever been truly hungry in your life?

It’s doubtful


That computer screen you are staring at right now?

That is just a fantasy for millions

To own such a thing

How many people wake up to find their child lying dead next to them?

How many girls are sold by their own families to strangers?

How many people find themselves working to death in fields thousands of miles from home?

Too many

The numbers would astonish you

Millions live in boxes

While others live in mansions

How many numbers does it take?

How many deaths and stories and tears does it take?

For you to see

Just how blessed you are

How much you have that others long and yearn for

That is just a fantasy for millions

Because you are so blessed

Next time you pick up your ipod, TV remote, or car keys


Remember just how rich you are

Even if others are richer

You are still so, so rich

And beyond belief

You are blessed

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