My Boggart

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Chapter 8: My Boggart

I hesitantly stepped forward to find a scary sight ahead of me.

First, I didn't know what it was, but then I got a better look at the dark haired girl. Emily was lying there, bleeding and screaming. I looked to my right to see Emily still there. Her eyes transfixed on the figure. There was a crack and Ginny appeared. She was screaming in pain and yelling for me to help. The figure changed again and there was Neville lying there not breathing. Next, it was Lauren, Hermione, Harry, Ron, then Fred, George, Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley. The figure started changing so rapidly that you couldn't tell who it was, but you could see the splattered blood and you could hear the pain filled screaming. I wanted to help them, but I couldn't.

This is just a boggart. Everyone is okay. I thought to myself.

I pointed my wand and shouted the spell. The person that was currently showing stood up and the blood disappeared. They were put into a clown outfit and jumping and dancing around goofily. The class laughed as I stalked to the back of the room. Professor Lupin stepped in front of the boggart and it turned into a silvery-white orb. He shouted the spell and then it deflated and started flying around the room making a weird sound. Most of the class laughed and the boggart exploded, bursting into a thousand tiny wisps of smoke, and was gone.

"Excellent!" cried Professor Lupin as the all of the class except me broke into applause. "Well done, everyone...Let me see...five points to Gryffindor for every person to tackle the boggart. Very well, everyone, an excellent lesson. Homework, kindly read the chapter on boggarts and summarize it for be handed in on Monday. That will be all."

As soon as he dismissed us, I ran out the door along with some of the other students. I decided to drop off my bags and then go to the kitchens for supper because I didn't want to have to deal with the people that found out what my boggart was.

I made it to the kitchens unnoticed. I tickled the pear and the doorknob appeared. Instantly, I was surrounded by house elves.

"How may we serve you, miss?" one of the elves asked.

"Um, can I just have some chicken, please?" I asked, not wanting them to have to work too hard.

"Yes, ma'am, right away." One of them responded as they scurried off to go finish their work. I sat down at the table in the center of the room. Less than a minute later, three house elves carried over trays and set them down before me. I glumly ate my chicken.

"You know, I don't think you're allowed in here." A voice startled me as I jumped and turned around.

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