Overheard your conversation

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"Sweetcheeks" Ryan called to brendon in the morning,

"Brenny!" he yelled but not so loud that it would wake Jon and spencer.

"Yeah baby?" brendon replied with a hint of tiredness

"Shall we tell them?" Ryan questioned brendon

"About what?" brendon asked confused as he had forgot

"That we had sex" Ryan exclaimed

Neither knew that Jon and spencer was outside

"They had sex?" spencer gasped in shock

"Oh well, they're in love" Jon exclaimed, unluckily Ryan and brendon heard and looked at each other in a shocked face

They gasped and bit their tongue

Ryan opened the door

"Hey.....guys?" Ryan greeted the two earwiggers.

"Soooo......you two had......ummmm.......sex huh ?" Jon asked with embarresment.

Ryan and brendon looked at each other

"Wow, that's the time, don't you guys have things you need to do?" Ryan stated with embarresment

"We overheard your conversation, it's ok, don't be ashamed, your in love don't worry!" Jon replied putting a hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Ummmmm.........yeah, we did!" Ryan admitted as he looked down to his feet as if he was full of shame,

He knew it wasn't shamefull, he proven how much he loved her and how much he meant to him he was just embarrassed.

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