Bren, i wanna be with you!

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"Bren..." Ryan pushed brendon to wake up

"Brendon, wake up!" he added

"Yuuus...?' brendon groaned, still sleeper as he rubbed his eyes

"Ummm....come downstairs, I made breakfast and I wanna speak to about something..." Ryan continued as he ran his fingers through Brendon's soft brown hair

" down in a minute baby...."brendon replied, trying as hard as possible to keep his eyes open

Ryan walked out of the room slowly and let out a soft yawn

"Morning babe" brendon softly began a conversation

Ryan leaned in, hinting for a peck on the cheek off brendon

Brendon gave ryro what he wanted,

"Take a seat brenny baby" Ryan begged as he sat down as did brendon

"Bren, what's going on with us...?" Ryan asked integrogatively

"What do you mean?" brendon replied with much of question

"Us, are we together, or are 'we' just a fling?" Ryan continued putting emphasis' on the we

"I don't kno...." brendon added looking up at Ryan, staring deep into his eyes

"Brendon, I love you, I want to be with you, but do you want to be with me...?" he asked with puppy eyes

Brendon dropped his knife and fork on the plate, elbows on the table, clutching his hands together and chewing on his last peace of bacon.

"I do want to be with you, it's just I didn't want to say anything, I wanted to see what you thought about us.." he sucked up to Ryan as he blew him a kiss and blushed

"I'll take the plates... babey " Ryan winked at brendon


Short I kno, but its half two and I've writ 3 chapters so give me some credit guys ;) x

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