The shock

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It was 7:00pm by the time they had arrived at home, as they decided to treat themselves a little more.

Ryan took brendon home it wasn't until they were at the end of the walkway to the house that it had burnt down in furious red flames.

A tear drizzled from Brendon's left eye,

He paused for a moment, as if he was froze,

A sudden realisation crises his mind,

"Mom, dad!!!!" he shouted in a depressive anger,

He ran as fast as possible,

Smashed trough his door, ran through all of the rooms on the ground floor,

He darted up the creaky wooden stairs and ran to his parents bedroom,

"No..." "no..." "no..." he cried in anger

"Why.....? why.....?" he mumbled as he cried rivers

"Bren....." Ryan sobbed at the sight of two burnt bodies cuddled together on what's left of a king size bed,

Ryan placed his arms around brendon

"Why..Why why ry why and how could this happen" brendon asked

"I do...." Ryan replied but didn't get to finish

"Actually, I really don't want to know!" brendon continued.

Ryan took Brendan back to his home,

Jon and Spencer asleep in their beds,

Ryro and brenny fell asleep cuddled up to each other on the couch.


Sorry guys,

It was a very short chapter but there wasn't much more that I could think of for this chapter.

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