Im soo hungry

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Brendon awoke after a good two hours if deadeath only to say

"Damn.... im soo hungry"

Ryan and the others chuckled

Brendon's eyes no longer brown, but now sea blue, his pupils tiny and his iris larger than ever.

Jon pulled out a sache if blood that is used in the hospitals.

"Here...." "d...drink this.....b...brendon" Jon stuttered at he looked at the sight of Brendon's blood slightly still drizzling down his arm.

Ryan handed brendon a straw

Brendon couldn't get enough, his fangs made an expected appearance, Ryan held brendon,

"You're going to have to stay inside for a while, its going to be hard, but we have to train you!" Ryan explained in a serious tone.

The fangs retracted slowly,

"I can't do it!" brendon said, trying not to let the boys find that he was crying

"It's too late now....!" Jon said

Jon walked into the kitchen to make a coffee

"Twat!" he mumbled under his breath

"Guess what smartarse, I have a superstrong sense of hearing now!"

Ryan thought to himself, if he's such a power, what are his powers?

"Spence, come here," Ryan bragged


"See what his powers are,"

"Ok, right...."

Spencer placed his stretched out hand over Brendon's face.

"Element of fire, element of water, element of wind, element of earth, element of electricity, shield! instant death, quite a few others, bout 50 more, not including the original vampire powers."

Throughout the day, brendon had cravings for blood, constantly, the boys put him on a limit, only to be sure that he wouldn't get addicted, this was a phase of training.

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