How about a day at the beach?

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It's 3 o clock in the morning, monsters inc is gettin kinda boring, I really can't stop writing....

Sorry guys like, cant get to sleep and I'm really into writing this, I'm on the roll here, also writing songs, really wanna make a band 😭


"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhggggghhhhhh!" Ryan yawned as he dragged his feet to the toilet as he needed to urinate.

He walked back into the bedroom after he flushed the chain and lay next to brendon, cuddling up to his chest....

"Morning Ryan babycakes" brendon snuggled up to Ryan as he started to wake

"Morning brenny bear" Ryan replied sweet-hearted.

Brendon sat up and rolled on top of Ryan and leaned closer

He crushed his lips onto Ryan's and moved his head slightly from time to time,

Ryan became passionate and very aroused,

He rolled over so that he was on top,

Things got very frisky and rough

But that's the way they both like it.

By the time they had finished kissing, an idea shot into Ryan's brain,

'Let's go to the beach' Ryan thought to himself

"Hey bren,!" Ryan called from the kitchen

"Yh ryro bear?" brendon replied from the lounge

"How about a day out at the beach?" Ryan enquired softly

" Hummmm......yh sure we could do with some quality time, you kno us being together and all!" brendon exclaimed

Ryan couldn't be happier he loved brendon so much it was unexplainable, but something wasn't right, at all,

'Is it because I'm a vampire, and he isn't yet?' Ryan thought

He ignored it like a chip in a door

Instead he just followed where the line took him.

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