they lived happily ever after

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They packed early, Jon and spencer at Pete's and Patrick's who are a couple, people call them peterick when they're together.

Brendon had everything that he had in the house, as did ryan,

As they crashed their lips together passionately, for the last time in their hometown, and Brendon's munched loved city, they flew away,

They flew over 9 different countrys, an the long, 14hr journey really did pay off, the young couple of gays adopted a child, they named it...spencer boyd George walker wentz stump smith 2nd.

And they lived happily ever after... in the Vegas lights singing adaptations sensations.


Right guys.... I guess that's the end

I know it was a bit of a shitty ending but I tried

Please please comment and vote and follow me on twitter @toby15mof love you guys see you in the next story :) x

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