Oh my gaaashhh

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They had been in the mall for at least an hour before they actually spotted a store with good looking skinnys.

"Oh my gaaaasssshhhhhh!" Ryan exclaimed at the sight of the skinny jeans in the shop display window

They approached a shop in which they had seen the skinnys in and they had never been in this shop before, neither of them.

This shop was called river island.

They browsed for a while, in search of clothes that suited them.

They had both brought the same, black skinnys and a grey t-shirt with folded sleeves.

They had matching clothes and best of all they wee having a fun time,

Ryan could smell something, they were sat in the coffee shop, Ryan knew what it was, blood.

He followed his super sensed nose, and someone had committed suicide off the 3rd floor balcony.

"No....No Ryan.... come on, we need to go!" brendon struggled as he pulled Ryan away from exposing himself.

"I'm g'na have to do this with you in 2 weeks, I don't kno if I can let them turn you" Ryan sobbed on Brendon's shoulder as they hugged,

"But.....Then we can be together......forever ryro like you said!" he added with his emotions about to burst

"You're right......then we can be together forever, you don't understand how much I'd kill for that!" Ryan continued

They walked home, Ryan's arm over Brendon's shoulder and Brendon's arm round Ryan's shoulder.

They got inside Ryan's home and snuggled up on the sofa,

They decided instantly to watch charmed which was their tv show.

They fell asleep into a day nap in each others arms.

Blood, beatings and rydenWhere stories live. Discover now