The after party

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The graduation ceremony had ended, but the after party, had hardly only just begun.

Tonight was the night, Jon had to turn brendon, as he was the oldest,

Brendon was worried, would JON kill him. would he not do it right, or would he just drink my blood as if he was at a slumber party.

"Bren?" Ryan called up to Brendon's room,

"Yh," he replied in a sobby tone.

Ryan walked upstairs,

As he did brendon wiped the tears from his deep brown starry eyes.

"It's time baby" Ryan called as he looked into brendon eyes.

"I...i..." brendon stuttered " I can't do it, no...not yet..."

"Okay, I understand" Ryan replied in sorrow as he sat next to brendon an ran his fingers through his hair and gave him a peck on the cheek.

They both lay down and cuddled together,

Soon to be interrupted by a drunk spencer running up the stairs!

"Gay boiss,!" he shouted

"What!?" Ryan replied as he gave a growl and a hiss.

"It's partaaaayy time!" Spencer shouted as he fell up the last step.

"Piss off spence!" Ryan snapped angrily

"Ooooh! sassy!" he said as be went back downstairs.

"We gotta turn him now!" Jon snapped pulling Spencer's arm

"No! not yet! he's in a state give it a week or so, let brendon decide when!" spencer snapped as he slapped Jon in disgust.

Ryan and brendon went to sleep, leaving Jon, spence and the other 50 people partying all night.

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