The beatings

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Ryan ran downstairs to the sight of brendon on the floor.

Jon was beside him , holding his arm.

Ryan peeped at an angle

Brendon had a bite on his wrist,

"JON WALKER!!!!!!" Ryan screamed from the top of his lungs

Jon turned round to see Ryan, who in fact had his fangs on show, his eyebrows bright red, and a body full of anger.

Ryan dived at Jon and pierced his neck,

Jon fell to the floor Ryan sat on him, punching him continuously in the face, spencer walked through the front door

Ryan had to be pulled off of Jon with extreme strength.

Ryan picked up brendon, ran him upstairs to his room and attempted to wake him up.

"Brendon.....please.....please wake up, I'm lost without you, I need you, without you I'm nothing, please don't go, please,please!" Ryan sobbed as he slowly lowered his head onto Brendon's chest.

Tears ran wildly down Ryan's face

'COUGH....COUGH,COUGH!' brendon awoke suddenly with a cough, Ryan smiled, and let out a laugh.

Ryan jumped right in and passionately kissed Brendan asif it was the day before the end of the world.

"I LOVE YOU, BRENDON BOYD URIE!" Ryan yelled from the top of his voice

"I love you too" brendon replied as he smiled, but it soon faded as he seen the bite on his wrist.

"W...w..W....what happened?" brendon asked the shock and confusion in his body language was indescribable.

"J..Jon bit you, i walked downstairs and found you on the floor with John next to you biting your arm!" Ryan explains thinking Brendon was going to blame him!

"The son of a bitch!" brendon yelled from the top of his lungs

Blood, beatings and rydenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang