Chapter 55

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"Anyways," Aizawa started in front of the class once more after Nezu and Naomasa finally left. Masami stayed behind, feeling a bit awkward amongst a new class and with a new teacher that was all too familiar. "Now that the distraction is over, I'll get back to what I was saying before seeing as you've already acquainted yourself with your new classmate. For now, we'll be focusing on getting the provisional licenses we were planning to have you get during the training camp."

"Oh yeah, they did talk about that..."

"So much happened that I forgot about it."

"This is important. Listen up." Aizawa didn't even bother glaring, but any talking still dissipated. "Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida. These five went to go save Bakugo that night."

He didn't mention Masami. If he did, that would practically be giving away her identity.

"Gero." Poor Asui looked to be in heartbroken shock at the news. The others were shocked as well, but they didn't look too surprised.

"Your reactions tell me that you all were at least aware of it." Aizawa sighed with closed eyes. "I'm going to set aside a number of issues and say this: If it weren't for All Might's retirement, I would've expelled everyone expect Bakugo, Jiro, and Hagakure. Of course the five that went, but also the thirteen who knew but didn't stop them betrayed our trust, no matter what the reason. I would be grateful if you could follow the proper procedures and act properly in order to regain that trust. That is all. Now, we're going inside. Let's have some energy."

"No, wait, how are we supposed to right now...?" The class was pretty sure that no one would be able to have any energy after that little speech. Aizawa had been downright brutal with his words no matter how true they were. Even Masami felt bad about letting the five go to Camino, but they were her way there. She had no way of knowing which warehouse to go to without them. Besides, they did end up saving Bakugo in the end. So, she supposed that not everything turned out for the worse.

"Come here." Bakugo sighed as he dragged Kaminari off making everyone stare at them in confusion.

"Huh? What? No!" Kaminari tried to struggle. Keyword: tried.

Many of them let out a small 'eep' as they saw lightning appear from the area where Bakugo had dragged the other boy off to.

"Yay..." Everyone had to stifle their laughter as Kaminari finally came back with the idiotic look on his face.

"What?" Sero grinned. "What did Bakugo do...?"

"Kirishima!" The blonde firecracker got the red haired boy's attention.

"Huh?" Kirishima seemed confused before his eyes grew wide in shock at the sight of the money in Bakugo's hand. "Wait, you're scaring me! What is this, did you shake someone down for money?!"

"No! I withdrew this money." He seemed a bit irritated at the accusation. "You used up all your allowance, right?"

"Yeah..." Kirishima seemed a bit surprised that he knew about that. "Where did you hear about me buying night-vision goggles--?"

He was cut off by Bakugo thrusting the money in his hands. "If you keep having to scrimp and save, then it'll make me feel bad. Show your dumb side, as usual."

Masami couldn't but give a small smile at the interaction. In the past, she would have never imagined Bakugo creating a distraction to ease the class' worries or paying somebody back like that.

"Sorry, everyone!" Masami looked at Kirishima in surprise as he shouted suddenly. "This won't make up for it, but let's all go eat yakiniku tonight with this money!"

Nearly everyone cheered at the idea. Even Masami was drooling a bit.

"Food..." There were stars in her eyes at this point. You could say that she wasn't exactly the type to ever deny food being offered to her.

They all cheered and talked for a few more minutes before they finally entered the dorm.

"Each student dorm building holds one class." Aizawa explained as they walked into the large building. "Girls on the right, and boys on the left. But the first floor is the common area. Food, baths, and laundry are on this floor."

All the students were looking around the place in awe. They couldn't believe that there was so much space. Uraraka even compared it to a mansion.

"Did my ears deceive me?" Masami almost froze in disgust and slight fear as Mineta began to speak up. "Baths and laundry are in the common area?" He gulped. "Is this a dream?"

"They're separated by gender." Aizawa gained a dark aura at Mineta's words causing him to freeze. "You better watch yourself."

"Yes, sir," Mineta sweated in fear while the girls internally thanked the man for setting him straight.

"Rooms start on the second floor." Aizawa continued to explain. "There are four rooms per gender on each floor with five floors total. Everyone gets their own room. They're luxurious spaces equipped with their own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets." Masami looked around the room they were being shown with amazement. She had never had such a large room. She honestly wasn't sure if she'd even be able to fill up half the space. "These are your rooms." A map was held up of the room locations. "Your belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your rooms, so unpack and get settled in today. I'll tell you more about what will happen from now on tomorrow. That's all. Dismissed!"

"Yes, sensei!"


929 words excluding A/N's

Finished- 7:54 pm on January 9, 2019


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