Chapter 40

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My eyes lit up slightly as we were told that we would have to cook our own dinner. However, I was the only one with that reaction as everybody else was dead on their feet.

"Yessir..." They groaned out as I looked at them in concern. They definitely need this training if they're so tired already...

"You all look exhausted!" Ragdoll laughed at all of them. "But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!"

"I-If you guys want, I don't m-mind making everybody's meals while y-you rest," I tried to reassure them. If they were going to get into shape, they would need proper food. Not food whipped up without a care. "I-I still have plenty of energy leftover, so d-don't worry about overexerting yourselves."

A few of them actually looked willing to take me up on my offer, but Iida quickly pulled them out of it.

"This is just as much a learning opportunity as any!" He shouted. "We mustn't place our burden on one person! So let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!"


... Iida is a good class president...


"Ah! Try not to put in too much of that spice," I told one of the students of Class A as we cooked the curry. I was a lot more comfortable talking to them now that I was in my element. I went around helping different students with their cooking, and soon enough it was all finished. Everyone was gobbling it all up as though they had never eaten before, and I was glad to see that they enjoyed it.

"You still have your passion for cooking, I see." I smiled at Shouto who sat next to me.

"I guess you could say that," I paused for a second as I swallowed a bite of my curry. "My guardian doesn't cook much, so I have a tendency to do a lot of the grocery shopping and cooking. I also work at a café, so I can bake and make drinks as well."

"You're too talented for your own good," Shouto shook his head slightly as I blushed lightly at his words.

"Thanks..." I could only sweat drop once I heard some squealing from the table behind me.

Apparently, Ashido and Hagakure had been spying on our conversation...

"Hideyoshi-san!" I looked over to Kirishima, who had been the one to call out to me, only to see a lot of the boys staring at me. "We were wondering, how did you manage to get so strong without a quirk?"

"O-oh, um, all I did was t-train," I told them honestly. "I also w-wear weights too."

"Now that you mention it, I remember you mentioning your weights at the Sports Festival." Ojiro recalled. "How heavy are they anyways?"

"I'm n-not really sure," I slid my one of my gloves off as I was talking. Luckily, I had made the decision to wear my weights today as I didn't want a repeat of yesterday. "You c-can try them if y-you want."

I handed it over to Kirishima, who eagerly took it to prove his strength, but he immediately dropped to the ground the second I let go of the glove.

"Woah!" He yelled out gaining the attention of the rest of his classmates. "That's seriously heavy! How can you fight with these on?!"

"They're not too h-heavy," I blushed as a lot of attention was sent towards me. "I've j-just been wearing weights f-for years. I h-have some in my shoes as w-well."

"Hmph, they can't be that heavy if you can lift them!" Katsuki scoffed as he walked over to us.

"You wanna try and lift the glove off the ground then, Bakugo?" Sero asked with a grin. I was tempted to grin myself. This may be a chance to add another point to the tally.

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