Chapter 27

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"I fixed her." Todoroki stated without changing expressions as he looked at the adults in the room who weren't sure how to react. Well, except for Recovery Girl, she honestly didn't care how he fixed her as long as it worked.

"W-well, she's definitely stopped screaming and thrashing..." Midnight sweat dropped at the poor girl whose eyes had finally returned to their normal icy blue. Her face was slowly but surely turning as red as a ripe tomato as realization about what just happened sunk in. Normally, Midnight would be squealing something about ships at this point, but the situation kind of ruined it.

"I think you may have broken her in a different way..." Aizawa also sweat dropped as the girl stared into space contemplating life.

"You think?" Todoroki tilted his head in masked confusion. He had only done what he thought would work. And it did. Masami was back to being Masami.

"What made you think kissing her would work?" Recovery Girl asked the boy as she checked Masami's vitals.

"... It always works in the Disney movies..." He gained immediate sweat drops as he thought about the animate conversations he and Masami used to have about Disney movies. They had made an agreement when they were younger that if somebody ever cursed one of them that the other would kiss them to break it. And Todoroki was pretty sure that whatever had happened to Masami counted as a curse.

"R-right..." They couldn't believe how innocent Todoroki was sounding right now.

Midnight almost had to do a double take though when she finally noticed the time.

"Oh no! If we don't hurry, we'll end up being late for the awards ceremony!" Midnight started running towards the door before she turned back. "You need to come too Todoroki!"

"Right." He didn't want to leave Masami after what had just happened, but it would be suspicious if both he and Masami ended up not going to the awards ceremony. Plus, his father would never let him hear the end of it if he did stay behind. So, he began walking out the door as well without saying anything to Masami seeing as she was still processing things. Or so he thought.

"W-wait!" Masami finally managed to stutter out as the two reached the door, surprising everybody in the room. "I-I want to come too."

"Do you honestly think you're up to going to it?" Aizawa raised a brow at her noticing that her hands were still shaking.

"Absolutely not!" Recovery Girl pushed the girl back into bed as she attempted to get up. "We still don't know what happened to you, and I think it'd be best if you stayed and continued to rest."

"T-thank you guys f-for helping me," Masami started with a frown as she started to get up once more. "But I-I have a point to p-prove by going out there. B-besides, I can assure you t-that the only side effect o-of what just happened is slight exhaustion." And mental trauma, but she wasn't telling them that. "T-this isn't the first time that I've b-been through this, and I promise that I-I'll answer as many questions as I can that you may have later. Just, p-please let me go."

The occupants of the room frowned when they heard that this wasn't the first time this happened but let it go when they heard Recovery Girl sigh.

"You teenagers are way too stubborn," The hero shook her head in exasperation. "I suppose I'll trust your word for now, but I expect you to come back here once the ceremony is finished."

"Y-yes ma'am, thank you," Masami gave a shaky bow as she stood up. She stumbled but quickly corrected herself as she walked towards the door where Midnight and Todoroki were waiting for her.

"Don't make me regret it," was the last thing Masami heard from the woman as the three began heading towards the arena with Aizawa behind them going to where he had been the rest of festival.


"All of the first-year events for this year's UA Sports Festival have been completed." Midnight announced after the first year classes gathered onto the field. "And now, we will begin the award ceremony!"

The audience cheered with vigor as the ceremony began with fireworks everywhere and platforms with the top four rising out of the ground.

I couldn't help but give a light smile despite my exhaustion when I saw Katsuki on the first place platform. I don't know what happened, but I'm finding his reaction kind of funny.

"He is like a man-eating fiend." The other third place winner, Tokoyami, sweat dropped.

I couldn't help but agree.

"Now, we will award the medals!" Midnight smiled as she held an arm out. "The presentation of the medals will, of course, be by this man--"

I had to sweat drop as I heard the laughter of All Might.

It was like he was a completely different person when he was being All Might...

"Our very own hero, All Might!"

"I have brought the medals here!"

Ah... They talked over each other...

"Now then, All Might, please present the medals, starting with the third place." Midnight held up the medals towards him after a quiet apology.

"Young Tokoyami, congratulations." All Might started with the boy from Class A first as he put the medal over his head. "You sure are strong."

"You are too kind."

"However," All Might hugged Tokoyami. "In order to fight well against different types, you must not rely only on your Quirk. If you train your own strength more, then you'll have more options when you fight."

"Yes, sir." Tokoyami acknowledged All Might's advice.

"Young Hideyoshi, congratulations." He went to me immediately afterwards, and I could tell that he wasn't sure what to make of my pale and slightly shaking form. "You did magnificently especially considering your lack of quirk, but I can only assume that you had a reason for your hesitation in your match against Young Todoroki?"

"Y-yes, sir," I looked off to the side as I hesitated. "I'll do my best to e-explain later."

"I see..." He gave me a hug just like he did with Tokoyami before proceeding to give Shouto Katsuki their medals.

I gave another small smile when All Might put Katsuki's medal in his mouth seeing as the boy refused to accept it.

"Well, they were the winners this time!" All Might yelled so the entire audience could hear. "But listen here! Anyone here could have ended up on these podiums. It's just as you saw-- Competing! Improving each other! And climbing even further! The next generation of heroes is definitely sprouting! So, I have just one more thing to say! Everyone, please say it with me! Ready, go--

Thanks for your hard work!"

"Plus Ultra!"

"What?! It should've been 'Plus Ultra!' there, All Might!" The crowd complained while I just sort of felt bad for him.

"Well, I thought everyone worked hard..."

Poor Yagi-san.


1186 words excluding A/N's

Finished- 6:43 pm on October 14, 2018


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