Chapter 23

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I watched the screen in the waiting room as it showed what was going on in the stadium live. I wasn't surprised when the room began to rumble as Shouto let out a large attack that froze almost the entire stadium. I guess his father said something to anger him. I'll admit, I'm feeling pretty similar right now. But I can't let that anger get to me right now. Thanks to Shouto, I have to fight even earlier than expected.


"Everybody, sorry for the long wait!" It wasn't that long. "The stage that was frozen in the second match is finally dry, so on to the next match!"

Flames came out of the stage as both myself and Ashido walked up the stairs to where we would be fighting.

"The girl who's been surprising us every step of the way! It's Hideyoshi Masami from General Studies vs-- Is something going to come out of those horns? Well? From the Hero Course, it's Ashido Mina!" Yamada-sensei introduced us to the crowd. "Now, why don't we get moving? Third match, start!"

"Sorry about this! But I don't plan on losing!" Ashido apologized with a toothy grin as she began sliding towards me while simultaneously throwing acid at me.

"I don't plan on losing either!" I called out as I dodged each ball of acid having to occasionally do a flip or two to keep out of the way. "I hope you don't mind me ending this fight so quickly..."

As soon as she was within close combat range, I quickly side stepped her and managed to get behind her. I raised my leg and kicked as lightly as I could to get her out of bounds. Unfortunately, due to how she had been sliding on her acid plus the weights my shoes, she was sent flying. I had to cringe as she ended up hitting the wall. I'd have to apologize for that later...

"Ashido has been pushed out of bounds!" Midnight announced. "Hideyoshi advances to the next round!"

Well... I expected it to be quick... But this was a bit too easy...

Also, is she okay...?

"Ashido was knocked out of bounds with a single kick!" Present Mic spoke up as some of the medical bots came and got Ashido. "Hideyoshi's easy victory is indisputable! This General Studies student isn't messing around!"

Do I leave now...?


"Now, it's time for the fourth match!" Present Mic announced as I finally made it to my seat with all of my classmates congratulating me. "We're just gonna keep rolling along! Rush headlong toward the top! It's like he's the epitome of the middle of the pack! From the Hero Course, it's Iida Tenya! Versus-- Fully equipped with support items! From the Support Course, it's Hatsume Mei!"

"I-I feel bad for Iida-san..." I sweat dropped as I noticed the piece of equipment he had on him.

"Hmm, why do you say that?" Michiko asked me with a tilt of her head.

"You'll see..."

"That's generally against the rules for those in the Hero Course." Midnight began as she noticed the support items Iida was wearing. "Those who must use equipment needed to petition beforehand."

"I forgot about that!" Iida began freaking out. "Aoyama-kun also wore a belt, so I thought it was fine!"

"He submitted a petition."

"I humbly apologize!" He gave a deep bow. "However, my heart was moved by my opponent's sportsmanship. Even though she is from the Support Course, she said she wanted an even match since she made it this far. She said she wanted to fight fairly. So, she gave me this equipment! I did not think I could ignore her fighting spirit!"

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