Chapter 45

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Aizawa wasn't very happy.


He was pissed.

First, villains attack the camp. Second, Masami goes off to fight two said villains that were supposed to be heroes. Three, the whole incident was finally over, and they had lost Bakugo and were still searching for Masami.

He could only assume that she was in the general vicinity where everybody had seen a large wall of black fire appear. Seeing as none of the other students had encountered the black flames, he could only assume that much. Though, it begged the question of whose flames they belonged to. Masami was quirkless, and the two traitors quirks had nothing to do with fire.

He had to wonder if another villain had somehow appeared, and Masami had to fight 1 on 3. He knew she was strong. Hell, she was probably stronger than anybody in his class. Not that he would ever admit it. But she was fighting against pros. There wasn't any way she'd be coming out of such a fight unscathed. If she was still alive, she'd be getting the scolding of a lifetime.

The thought only urged him on further.

Though, it can probably be safely said that Aizawa did not expect the sight he did come across when he finally found her.

At first, he hadn't recognized her at all. For one, her hair was as black as his, and her eyes had changed to a crimson red. It's also worth mentioning that she was still wearing her gas mask, and she threw one exactly like it towards the man as soon as he entered the clearing.

"It'll negate their quirks," Masami explained as she didn't take her eyes off the couple that Aizawa had only just noticed were tied up and gagged in front of the girl. It was only once he heard her voice that he realized it was Masami.

Aizawa took special care to put the gas mask on before speaking. He wouldn't put it past the couple to use their quirk on him despite having already lost. "... So you have a quirk?"

He had been quick to realize it at the sight of Masami's features, and the black fire that surrounded the two in front of her only seemed to confirm that theory. The fire seemed to be dangerous too considering how Kei and Koharu were doing their best to stay away from it. He also recognized it as the same fire that the wall from earlier had consisted of.

The girl's head snapped in Aizawa's direction as he began taking steps towards her.

"Stop!" Masami's hair seemed to rise a little as she shouted in panic. Luckily, he stopped, but in slight confusion, mind you. "I'm still unstable... I can't control my quirk very well right now. Especially with my emotions out of control. It would be safer to keep your distance until I calm down..."

So that explained why she didn't use her quirk. Aizawa understood that much. However, he still didn't understand why she saw it so necessary to keep it a secret. Many people had unstable quirks.

"You have a lot of questions to answer..." Aizawa grumbled, but he still listened to the girl and kept his distance. He didn't feel like tempting fate and seeing how much damage those black flames could do exactly.

"I know..." Masami sighed as she tried to take deep breaths to calm herself down. The only way a person would be able to tell when she was calm was when her eyes would finally return to their icy blue color. Granted, doing this was quite hard for her at the moment as she had three people staring at her. Two of those stares being glares.

Slowly, she stood up, and Aizawa finally got a good look at her. She had a few small scrapes but looked relatively uninjured. Though, there was a concerning gash in her hoodie where he couldn't tell whether or not she had been cut. And if she had been cut, what weapon had been used. If he had to guess, it was probably a knife seeing as that's what Kei's main choice of weapon was from the earlier battle with the clones.

"How long do you think it will be till the police are here?" Masami asked as her eyes finally returned to their normal blue. However, she still didn't release her quirk. She wouldn't until the two were in quirk restraining cuffs and being arrested.

"They're already here," Aizawa raised a brow at the change in Masami's eye color. He hadn't realized that was a separate part of her quirk. "I brought a few quirk restraining cuffs as well. We were all given some when we came to look for you or any lingering villains."

"That's good," Masami sighed in relief. Her body seemed to be oozing relief as she placed a hand to her forehead. "I think I'm calm enough now too..."

Even so, Aizawa still kept his distance, opting to throw the cuffs at her instead. She easily caught them and placed them on the traitors wrists. It was only then that she finally stopped using her quirk.

Her hair faced back to its usual brown, and she deemed it safe enough to take off her gas mask. Her face, oddly enough to Aizawa, seemed to take on a look of confusion as she was about to say something.

However, she never got a chance as her eyes clouded over, and she lost consciousness, falling in a heap on the ground.

"Masami!" It was only then that Aizawa ran over to her side with the two villains smirking despite their gags.

None of them had any way to know that she had just passed out from exhaustion.


959 words excluding A/N's

I didn't accidentally publish this one without finishing it! Also, have any of you guys noticed yet how Aizawa has gone from calling Masami 'Hideyoshi' to her actual given name. I thought I would point that out just in case.

And sorry it's so short...

Finished- 10:59 pm on December 25, 2018


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