Chapter 43

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"Aw, we wanted our courage tested, too..." Ashido sniffled as we walked.

"Didn't she say there was a carrot and a stick?" Kirishima complained. "Where's the carrot?"

"I'd even take salty licorice... Give us a treat, Aizawa-sensei!" Kaminari grumbled with closed eyes.

I almost felt bad about not helping them.


"Salty licorice is delicious," Aizawa-sensei grumbled right back.

"I-I've never had salty l-licorice," I pitched in.

It was true. Though, I haven't had much candy in quite a long time, so that wasn't saying much.

"For tonight's lesson, I will drill into you how to behave during an emergency," I was ignored... "If you don't become more self-aware that you're falling behind the others, then the difference between you will grow larger. In a broad sense, this is also a kind of 'treat'. Like a mint-flavored one."

"But mint tastes good..." Kirishima continued to complain quietly.

Personally speaking, I hated mint. Don't know why, I just do. I can't even stand the smell. It makes me gag.

"Oh, that's weird!" Of course, Monoma was going off as soon as we walked in the extra lessons room for tonight. Well, everyone walked in except for me. I had frozen at the entrance with an exasperated look on my face.

"Damn it..." I muttered with a shake of my head before running back towards the entrance.

"Oi!" I heard Aizawa-sensei from behind me. He didn't even have a chance to question me before we were all contacted by Mandalay.

I paused only to listen to her words. "Everyone. We're being attacked by two villains!"

"More than two..." I muttered as Aizawa-sensei, who had finally caught up with me, sent a curious glance.

"It's possible that there are more! Everyone who can move, get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across the enemy, retreat and do not engage!"

"'Fraid I don't plan on listening to that!" I continued my running out the door with Aizawa-sensei trying to catch me with his scarf. Unfortunately for him, I was quick to dodge and made it out the door in no time. Unfortunately for me, I had a wave of fire blasted at me the moment I was outside.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I jumped up and launched myself off the wall to quickly get out of the way. I could tell Aizawa-sensei was just as annoyed as I was as he had to use his scarf to pull himself up out of the way of the flame.

"You two really shouldn't get in my way," My eyes widened slightly as I noticed the partially familiar face. "Even if you are pros... I only need one of you."

Well then, I'm just running into familiar faces everywhere, aren't I?

"Apologies, Dabi-san," I was quick to send a kick that caved in his mud skull. "I don't really have time to deal with you or whoever made this clone..."

"How'd you know he was just a clone?" Aizawa-sensei lowered himself to the ground with a suspicious glare.

"He reeked of mud despite seemingly having none on his person." I told him off handedly as I turned around looking at the surrounding forest. "Besides, despite being a villain, he's the type of person that likes to stay clean."

"And you know all this how?" I never got the chance to answer him as two of the people I hate most finally arrived.

"Ah! Eraser Head! Masami!" Koharu called out as they ran towards us. They were both covered in slight scuff marks, but it didn't look like the two had any deep injuries.

Too bad...

"Have you encountered any of the villains yet?" Kei asked us with a concerned look as they finally reached us with both Aizawa-sensei and I tense.

"You could say that..." Sensei replied keeping an eye on the two in front of him.

A bad move on his part.

"Watch out!" I tackled him out of the way as another Kei flew by with a poison tipped knife. It was clear that he had been aiming for the kill. "So, you had one of your friends make a clone of you as well..."

"Booo~" Koharu pouted as she finally started to show her true personality. "You always know when to get in the way, don't you?"

I ignored her as Aizawa-sensei and I were surrounded by clones of them. And, unfortunately for us, they were all wielding knives with poison.

"Life was so much better after we thought you were dead..." Kei sighed almost nostalgically. Jerk... "We never thought that there was a possibility that you would ever survive our little bomb."

"Please, I'm like a cockroach," I snorted, ignoring Aizawa-sensei's glances as we both destroyed the clones as quickly as possible. "A cute one, mind you. I'm too stubborn for death."

"It's really too bad that Shigaraki wants you alive, or else I'd kill you right here and now..." Ha! He thinks that will actually scare me.

"Sensei!" Both mine and Aizawa-sensei's eyes widened as we saw multiple students heading our way. While we had destroyed all the clones, Kei and Koharu stood between us and the others.

"Damn," I cursed under my breath as I quietly took off my weights. I finally looked towards Aizawa-sensei as the students got closer. Clearly, they didn't seem realize the two in front of us were villains. "I'm leaving taking care of the students to you."

"Wha-" He was cut off by my disappearance. Though, he tried to stop me once he noticed me in front of the two traitors. "Masami, don't!"

"Sorry," I apologized to him before the three of us disappeared from sight.


He's going to kill me after this.


969 words excluding A/N's

Sorry about the lack of updates! I've been pretty busy trying to get all my Christmas presents for everyone done. So far, I've done two 16x20 paintings, eight mini drawings, one watercolor painting, and a regular drawing. So yeah...

Finished- 8:20 pm on December 23, 2018


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