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It was the last day.

Sherlock sat thinking about who he'd missed. Janine, Irene, Mike. He didn't have enough time to see them all. A text would have to do.

Thank you - SH

And... Send.

Short and sweet.

Then it hit him. What about his network.

He composed a similar message to send to his homeless network and didn't hesitate to send it.

He decided to write a note. That's what people do isn't it? Leave a note.

Dear Molly, Mrs Hudson, Mary, John, Greg and Mycroft,

Thank you all for everything you have done for me. I realise that I may have never acknowledged any of your help before but I am now, and that's what counts.

I'm going to run away. I suppose I'm not really running away if I leave a note but I'm not really running away as such. I'm running towards him. I'm running with Jim.

Okay before you all try to find me, let me tell you that you're not going to find me. Not even Scotland Yard are that clever. Yes, I did just call Scotland Yard clever and that's because you are. And so are you Molly. And Mary. And Mrs Hudson. And Mycroft.

And John.

This is the first and most probably the last time I'm going to say this so now you all have proof.

I love you all.

Alright. There. I said it.

I love Molly.

I love Mary.

I love Mrs Hudson.

I love Mycroft.

I love Greg.

And I love John.

Hopefully that made your day because I'm about to run off with a criminal.


He stared at the sheet of paper for what seemed like hours. Maybe he was moving too quickly. The note didn't look right. None of this felt right. He was leaving his life behind for a man he -

Sherlock cut off his own thoughts and concentrated on the note. How could he possibly sum up everything they've done for him through squiggles on a page.


The detective walked around his flat for the last time. He wanted to remember all of it.

He started with his bedroom. Sherlock trailed his hand along the bed sheet. It was the same one he'd used in Buckingham Palace. It suddenly occurred to him how stupid he must have looked. He let out a sad chuckle and continued around the room.

Sherlock opened his wardrobe and flicked through his many suits. He found his deer stalker hidden at the back and decided to put it on. He regretted the idea immediately but the hat still remained firmly on his head.

The kitchen was full of Sherlock's science equipment. He thought through all the experiments he'd tried, some of which succeeded although the majority failed. Sherlock sighed and began putting his Bunsen Burner away in the cupboard.

With the kitchen clean, he tidied the rest of the flat. Anyway, Mrs Hudson would want it looking nice for the new buyers. Sherlock shuddered at the thought of someone else in the flat. His flat.

When it was time to leave, Sherlock took of his deer stalker and left it by the side of the note. He began heading towards the door where he picked up his coat.

Sherlock stared at the piece of fabric in his hand for a while and decided to leave it hung up. He also opted against wearing his scarf.

A new life.

A new Sherlock.

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