Chapter 36: Can't Be Happening

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Chapter 36

-Same Day-



I really didn't mean to rape Nicole again. She just got me mad. She hit her head and knocked out. I really hope she is okay.

Nicole was breathing fine. I looked at her head and saw nothing wrong with it. She'll probably just get a bump later, that's all.

I finished what I started in the shower and then put clothes on both of us. She was still sleeping.

I felt a little bad, but it felt good. Even better since it was in the shower and I didn't... have a condom.

Oh no... Tears came to my eyes.

"What did I do?!" I yelled.

I sat on the floor and put my hands to my forehead. What the hell am I going to do? What if I got Nicole pregnant?

This can't be happening.

I started crying, really crying. Even sobs were escaping my mouth.

I knew someone heard me because someone started walking loudly in the hallway.

I laid down on the bed with Nicole and watched her, making her look like she was the one crying and I was comforting her. Her cheeks were tear-stained. Mine were too, but if they ask I'll say I just took a shower.

Trey walked into the room.

"Was someone crying?" He asked.

"Oh. Yeah. Nicole was crying. She fell asleep though."

"Oh. Alright. Take her to my room later on, I guess."

I nodded and with that, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

I sighed with relief and checked to make sure Nicole was still breathing. She was.

I don't know how long it takes to find out if someone is pregnant. So, I guess I'll wait till Nicole notices if something is wrong with her.  Then, I'll tell her what happened. I was an idiot. Maybe she will get an abortion. Yeah. That's it! I just need to make her drunk or something, enough to kill the baby.

Don't they have to get the baby out of her though? Even after it's dead? I don't know what I'm going to do! I'll just wait to see if it really happened. I don't know how long it will take though.

I really hope she isn't going to be pregnant. I mean, that's possible right? Not using a condom, but still not getting pregnant? Yeah, it does! It does happen every once in awhile.

With any other girl, I wouldn't care if I got her pregnant. I do care with Nicole, she is supposed to be Trey's. Ugh. This is so confusing.

Guess I just better find out what happens.

Nicole woke up around 6:00. I just kept staring at her. I didn't want to tell her what I did. She would hate me.

I lead her downstairs and we ate some food. Then, we watched TV until she was tired again and ready to sleep. I carried her to Trey's room and let her just be with him. Then, I went to my room and went to sleep. It is probably 9:00 or something, but I don't care. I'm tired.

I drifted off to sleep.


Not A Lot iKno . Buht Again, Information. If The Chapter Is Long, It Usually Has Less Information, and more story. Short Chapters Make Up For That Lost Info x)

&&'d Who Thinks Nicole Should Be Pregnant?

Comment !!! &&'d Not Updating till I get AT LEAST 7 Comments Telling Me Which


K Byee:DD

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