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‘Caro! Where are you going?’ Gabriella screeched, then belatedly offered a smile.

‘Found it,’ he waved a rubber connection that seemed to be the cause of the plumbing problem.  ‘I’m going to the hardware store.’

‘But---but what about your drink?’ She was mortified.

‘It will have to wait till I get back,’ he shut the door and walked out.

     'Tomas, you’re back,’ Alina rushed into his arms.  Okay he was two hours late, but she was delighted to see her husband again.  When Alina reached up to kiss Tomas and realized he was not returning her embrace, her hands fell to her sides.  So much for the kiss that she had been yearning for!

‘I___is Gustav okay?’ she murmured, embarrassed at placing her carnal needs above Tomas’ uncle’s condition.

‘The hospital says his condition is improving,’ Tomas glanced over her scanty attire.  She had a sarong covering her one piece costume.  Her hair was all tangled and held together in a band.

“‘I wanted Gabriella to become Mrs. Tomasa Casiraghi… She has the poise, elegance and training to stand by you publically.”’

‘You must pack.  We are leaving,’ Tomas turned away from Alina.

“‘Leaving?’”  She echoed in confusion.

‘Back to London,’ he answered without looking in her direction.

‘But___we have one more day!’  
And what about our date?

‘I am needed.  We leave in an hour,’ he strode into the rented villa.

Only when the aircraft took off, did Alina realize they were returning to London, sans Keres and Gabriella.  Where were they? 
Alina looked across the aisle at Tomas.  He was seated at a table, working feverishly on his laptop. 
What had happened after he’d left in the morning?  More importantly, where did he go to? 
He had been in a good mood before he'd departed.  He’d even requested her to wear something sexy for their lunch date, a date that never materialized.  Alina had selected a sexy dress and was just about to shower and slip into her dress when Tomas returned before she was ready for him.

Why was Tomas in such a foul mood?  He is definitely not himself.  He’s so distant… and so quiet
Alina wondered if he had lunch but she dared not disturb him.  Perhaps if he was hungry he would instruct one of his many obliging staff and they would scurry to please the master.  Even the aircraft staff seemed to be walking on tip toes around King Casiraghi.

When the aircraft landed at Heathrow, Alina told Tomas, she would like to be dropped of at the restaurant.  She needed to keep busy with something or she was going to explode.  Her husband was acting like a right royal prick.  If she spent another hour in his morose company, Alina was going to strangle Tomas.  She had told Caroline already she was going straight to the restaurant.  Caroline was pleased for the reprieve.  She did seem to tire easily when travelling long distance.  She and Emily would have an early night.

Alina wondered what Tomas was doing this afternoon.  Was he going to his office?  Was he going to meetings?  When she looked his way, Alina found his eyes trained on her.  Her first instinct was to smile at him, but she shuddered.  What if he gave her that cold, detached look he’d given her earlier at the villa when he returned from where ever?

‘I will drop you off, before I go to my office,’ Tomas uttered his first words since he’d told her to pack earlier.  I’ve arranged a second vehicle to take Caroline and Emelia home.’

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