The Burden of The Captain

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Everyone was resting at (R/N)'s house.Even Shank,Mihawk and Crocodile came to see (R/N) but since she is still pass out,they just rest with others too.

(R/N) was resting in her room while others were resting at the living room.Some were drinking tea that the girls made,some were just resting by the fire while some were talking with each other about what happen.

"I see,(R/N) went through a lot huh,poor girl"Shank muttered to himself as he remembered the first time he met with (R/N).

She has helped him a lot and he really like her so it really sadden him to know what she has been through but he is devoted to help her in whatever she need.

"Still,what happen to those two?I don't think we seen those two at all since the news right?"Franky ask out loud and everyone just give these guessing look to each other.

"I'm thinking that they must be going after Doflamingo if anything else"said Robin and this gains everyone attention.

"Doflamingo?How are they're gonna find them,wait no,exactly,why are they going after him in the first place?!"Usopp exclaimed shockingly as sweats of fear running down from his face.

"I think I would agree on the same thing with miss Nico too"Mihawk said with his eyes close.

"Did you guys watch the news today?"he continue his words and this time he was glancing to everyone in the room.

"Not really,did something happen?"Sanji asked him and he took out a newspaper out from his bag.

Doflamingo is on the move!Citizens are fearing that if his crime were not punished,the community will continue to be terrorized.

The newspaper stated and everyone just stare at it for a moment as if they were trying to digest the information they just receive.

"But how could we know where he is and how in the new world are we going to take down on that big guy?!"Usopp muttered between his panicking state and Chopper and Nami also agrees with Usopp on the matter.

"I think I know someone who can help us on this but we're going to wait for (R/N) to recover from her exhaustion before we move and we'll divide into groups and also discuss our plans for now"Shank suggested and some of them hesitated for a minute but then Hancock stood up and spoke up.

"I'm going,I want to help (R/N).She is our friend and I want to be beside her if she's going to fight Doflamingo"Hancock said out loud and this struck everyone in their heart.

(R/N) helped them a lot and bring together up until now and she was apart of their family too so they want to help her too.Not just for Luffy and Law but for everyone.Doflamingo must be defeated.He has been ruling everyone and spreading chaos for a while now but the government couldn't do anything about it since he is one of them and they said that Dressrosa state belongs to him so they couldn't do anything about it.

"Well,its been a long time since all of us been on an adventure after all so why not let loose for a while right?"Zoro said out loud as he stretch his body and everyone's face lit up with excitement.

"Haha yeah!It would be a crazy adventure if we fight with Doflamingo but we've been hiding in the shadows for a while now so I'm up for this adventure!For (R/N)'s sake too!For our captain and Torao guy too!"Usopp cheered and Chopper yelled with agreement.

"Yeah!"all of them cheered and the environment in the room completely changed.It was something but they all liked it.For their friend's sake and everyone too.

"Hehe,this brings a lot of nostalgic memories isn't"Robin smiled warmly and the other girls smiled too.

While the guys were cheering with each other.In the room,the unconscious girl was still resting but seems like she had a good dream for she was smiling a bit in her dream.

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