New Year. Eren x Reader

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{{ shh it's still the new year, please take this really crappy and rushed writing to start off your new year :,) Eren is probably gonna be really out of character, but I'll work on it.
also— sorry I keep doing x readers with him, he's like my big crush atm. look at how beautiful he is in that photo ughhhh heartthrob.

Anyway— happy new year all! I hope you all have an amazing new year and I hope it's better than the last one (that is if your last one sucked like mine did lol)

Please send me more ideas on what you want, that'd be really helpful atm :,) <3
Quick mention ; HOW MANY READS DO I HAVE UHM ?!?!? }}

Only two more hours until the new year? It was mind-boggling. It was crazy actually, how fast yet slow this year seemed to have gone by. The losses and friendships you had made, the memories, the painful ones which hurt. But you had made it, this far? Astonishing, truly. To say you were proud was an understatement, you were fucking elated. You'd made it this far and nobody was going to stop you now!

" Babe? "
Stirring you from your thoughts, you quickly turned your head to find your fiancé staring at you. His hand was wrapped firmly around your thigh, rubbing small, almost reassuring circles on your skin. The car had halted to a stop now, parked up just outside a house. It was a rather large one, with windows which showed the stairs which led upstairs and a Christmas tree which would flash all multicoloured lights in a rather festive way.
" Yeah, sorry.. Got lost in thought again, " you would utter some kind of weak excuse before allowing your hand to slip into your own.

Eren Jeager, what a man he was. With that brown, fluffy hair, rather bushy yet stern brows, perfect skin and those gorgeous eyes which almost seemed to loom out from within the darkness of the car. It was beautiful. No, he was beautiful!!

" We're here, best we get inside otherwise all the food will be gone, " a small smile would etch across his face as he pulled back his hand to pull the keys out the ignition.
It was a small New Years party, with a few friends you had both met in and out of Eren's work. You couldn't quite recall names, but you were sure Eren would introduce you to some. Letting a small sigh pass your own lips, you would gather your bag and button up your coat before opening up the passenger side door to exit.
It was freezing outside, a shiver sending itself right to the core of your bones. Your breath visible in the air as it was obvious the winter pinch hadn't left just yet. Darkness swallowed you up until the car headlights flashed, normally indicating that the car had locked.
" You're zoning out again~ " your fiancé would coo, causing you to turn your head. He was already across the road, waiting for you on the other side. Damn you and your mind.
" Sorry..~ " you would coo right back before quickly pacing across the road. These heels you were wearing weren't very easy to do so without almost stumbling, but luckily you made it with no scratches or bruises on your knees.
" You've gotta remind me of their names, you know how bad I am with them, " you would remind the brunette beside you, causing him to hum and shake his head. Your arm was linked around his own securely, keeping you safe and warm under the protection of your loved one.

As you both approached the door, you could get a better look of the house. It was large and beautiful, the back yard appearing to be at be front. The door was beautiful oak with a golden handle, along with the numbers of '76' on it. There was a window not too far, which hung lights that would flash every now and then. You were worried nobody had heard Eren knock on the door, as it seemed lively in there already but without another moment to lose, the door swung open.
The sudden warmth which hit you immediately caused your cheeks to grow rosey, your once shaky legs to remain halted and eager for more. It was like a great big hug, awaiting for you with open arms. Arriving at the door was a rather large man, whom had big muscles and blonde hair which seemed rather short.

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