When He Sees You In A Bikini|Swimsuit

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Of course, this would be his first time seeing you with your body out- so to say, he was shocked would be an understatement. He stared for a minute before giving you a warm smile, almost like he had fallen in love with you all over again.
He would hesitate to touch you in case you ever felt uncomfortable, however would hold and kiss your hand to help soothe you.
Armin would whisper or even mutter how beautiful you looked and how lucky he was.


Of course, he was a flustered mess. He'd splutter and trip up on his words as he tried his best to compliment you. It was adorable to watch, however the more you mocked him, the more he grew embarrassed.
Once you were swimming, he would hesitate to touch you, but after a couple of minutes, his hands were all over you. He'd pull you close on purpose with a devilish grin or smirk across his face.
Of course, after awhile- his cocky side would slip out and he would immediately be bragging about how you was his and how if he was a women (which was a weird statement) he'd be just as hot as you looked right this moment.
Thanks ..?


Very much like Jean, he was a flustered mess. His didn't know where to look, your face, the pool, the grass, his hands, your stomach, your cleavage or even your thighs.
When you approached him, he'd look up with a blush. When around you, he was incredibly restless. He'd wiggle about and try to keep his hands to himself, however when you concluded that you wanted to go into the pool- he'd quickly reach out and pull you close to him.
That was his cue and within seconds his hands were all over your body, causing goosebumps to jump up. His lips would be attacking you, causing you to giggle.
To say the least, Jaeger was easy to excite..


He wasn't that surprised, but when was he ever? He'd immediately shrug it off as nothing, however when you weren't looking, his eyes were all over you. When you turned back around, he'd take his sweet time to eye up your cleavage before looking you dead in the eye. Made your knees real weak, what a romantic.
He only hummed and turned to continue on whatever he was doing.
When you'd sat down together, his eyes would be scanning around to make sure nobody else was staring at you. If they were, he quickly call them out on it. He'd probably insult them or just stare them out until they got uncomfortable.


Protection mode instantly turned on when you arrived in your bikini, he would make sure nobody apart from himself was looking.
His arms would be wrapped around you constantly and his lips would sometimes trace kisses up and down your neck while you sat together.
He loved to stare at your body when you weren't looking and even when you caught him in the act, he'll still be looking with a soft smile across his face.
When he caught someone looking, his brows would immediately furrow, hands would immediately be upon your body as his muscles would larger as he tensed. You were too oblivious to notice, but when you did, you only smiled.


God, he wouldn't leave you alone. Every time you caught him staring at your body, he'll give you a sassy smirk as in he's saying ' yeah, I'm looking. What you gonna do? '
Such an idiot. His hands would constantly be on you, his nose in your hair as he took in your scent, considering he was much taller than you.
He'd look at your body like you were a dessert along with a full three course meal. Showing you off was his pride and joy and having you by his side only made him feel better. No words were needed if somebody was looking, his protective actions would be enough.


Wouldn't even hesitate to punch anyone who was caught looking at you, of course, after uttering some curse words under his breath which you heard. When you followed his gaze, you only made sure you let them know that you were his by placing your hands on his toned torso.
He was gobsmacked over your body and every change he got, wether you were bathing together or in the water- he had to touch your boobs or your butt. It could be a peaceful swim until he suddenly dived in a squeezed any bit of innocent flesh he could grab on. Then he'd reappear with a huge grin, teasing your blush and mimicking you.


A different side of him was out and you loved it. His timid and embarrassed self immediately jumped out the window upon seeing your body, of course, he blushed, but you looked drop dead gorgeous with that body.
Who knows what thoughts he had, because his blush increased when you itched closer to him.
He would want his hands, lips, his chest- all skin to skin contact with yours. He would whisper how perfect you looked and would even growl sometimes to show that you really were his.

I apologises for this messy as ass update. Honestly- I hate it, I just didn't want to delay it and I was really in the mood to write.

So— a lot has happened over the past couple months/weeks. Lol when was the last time I updated who tf knows.
So yeah, I also have my finals so my updates will be super slow but when they're over and when I finish school (which is soon), expect a lot more updates.

I hate how this turned out and I'm sorry if there's any mistakes. I have an exam tomorrow and it's like 10 o'clock and yeah idk I haven't even read it through.
I think it gets repetitive? Who tf knows 🤷🏼‍♀️

Please, send me some ideas.
Expect some NSFW/Angst 👀

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