When You Break Up

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He'd mostly be rather angry at himself for letting it happen. He'd blame the whole argument on him and would take it extremely hard. Any mention of your name would make him wince and he ever so desperately wanted you within his arms again. It would take him awhile to muster up an apology, but it would be incredibly heartfelt.


Being the stubborn man he was, an apology would take weeks. He'd ask Armin for help on how to make sure it was worded correctly without anything which could sound like he was blaming it on you. Jean hated the fact that you hated him, and he hated the fact that he couldn't shut up when he should've. Seeing you ignoring him with your back turned broke his heart and he'd do anything to flowers and rare chocolates to have you back.


He never wanted the argument to happen and when it did, it was hard for him to process what was really going on. It took him only a day to think up of an apology and instantly win your heart back. During meals, he was incredibly silent and rather dull looking. It was clear to Eren and Mikasa that something had to be done and they spoke to you regarding as a concerned friend.


Unable to rarely show his emotions anyway, everyone thought you two were fine until you broke the news weeks later. He may have grown more distant, more silent and more.. in the background. He wasn't sure how to make it up to you, and he defiantly wasn't sure how to mend things between the two of you. It wasn't until he actually read a book about relationships did he think up on a plan. He wrote you a letter explaining how it was hard for him to say this in words. Seeing you not wanting anything to do with him anymore hurt- and he really hated the never ending silence within his office.


Due to the stress of being the Commander, the paperwork, laws he may be breaking AND the amount of deaths which were piling up on his commands- him snapping at you was a complete accident. He was never like that and the look of fright across your face only broke his heart more. The idea of you actually being afraid of him wanted him to quit right there and then and leave. He would instantly try to apologise and pepper the back of your hand with soft kisses. The blonde man would constantly apologise, even if you two had eventually gotten back together.


He never intended to hurt you, or even argue with you. But with the death of his comrades, he took it incredibly hard. You'd tried your best to make him smile or try to cheer him up, but your attempts only enraged him to the point where he even raised a hand. Never ending guilt would plague him as he immediately went into fits of apologetic cries. You'd never seen him so... weak and vulnerable as he held onto your hand. Unsure on what to do, you probably did the worst thing possible and just ignored him. You knew eventually due too advisement from Commander Erwin that you should really speak to him- after all, you was all he wanted. You were his medicine when times were rough, and right now he was calling for you.


You wasn't too sure if you should forgive him, especially after what had happened. He never meant to spill those words which left a permanent ache in your heart, it was purely just in the moment. Being the real teddy bear he was, Reiner wasn't sure what to do as an apology. He left it for a couple days, giving you the occasional glance of an eye or look you up and down when your back was turned to him. Bert urged him to apologise on which he resisted at first. The sudden change in his character was scary almost, he never seemed so distant yet so.. ok at the same time. Like he forced those feeling to mask his pain.
( what an emo )


Honestly, he was confused on what he had done wrong. You simply just snapped and lost your temper one day. With the expedition and the sight of the dead bodies you collected, it finally took it's toll mentally. It didn't help due to the fact that Bert kept silently urging you to speak to him until you eventually shouted. He immediately ducked his head and fiddled with his own fingers- feeling incredibly bad. You felt bad too; he somewhat represented the look of a guilty dog. You apologised, yet he was silent to the point where you gave up. About a week passed until he finally spoke to you and gave out a nimble apology. It was sweet and melted your heart to the point where you wanted him back. 

|| birthday countdown — 2 days !!!

im so excited whoops ??

also it's really hot wanna cry lol

I really want to know what more you guys want to see from me and I apologise for this being so depressing lol.

apologise for any mistakes, I wrote this in the car lmao

thank you for reading and please send me some more ideas !!!

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