Moving my writings over!

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Hello everyone!
It's been a hot minute and I've found myself writing about the boys of AOT all over again. (Yes, I am still simping over Eren.)
 Unfortunately, I feel Wattpad isn't for me anymore and have moved my writings over to my Tumblr account.

@ writings4aot

I tend to be a little more active there, however I am considering of moving some of my writings to add onto this one. I can't believe how old this whole account and story actually is. Phaha. I started this when I was 15? I think. I'm 21 soon. Crazy. I started AOT when I was like 13? I remember it was crazy, crazy big in 2013. Where does the time go?! 
The love this has been given feels like a little family to me and writing about our favourite fictional characters will always be something that I enjoy doing. 

I hope to see some of you on Tumblr... If not, I'll continue updating this for those who don't have a Tumblr account and prefer Wattpad! 

Look after yourselves all <3 


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