Demon Dean Part Two

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"What!" I yelled as they both looked at me, "What it is?"

"Nothing Dean" Cas said awkwardly, he sucked at lying, "Its good your happy." He said before pulling Sam into the other room. Cas really was stupid. He started talking to Sam so  I did what I can do pretty well. eavesdrop.

I snuck over to the wall and stood with my back against it, hidden. Cas was really loud actually. I dont think he knows how to be quiet.

"It didnt work Sam" Cas said.

"What do you mean? He's Dean, and he's happy for once, don't spoil it.."

"But he's still"

"I dont care, hes kinda human right?" His voice grew louder, "And he's...just dont spoil this, leave him be"

I moved away from the wall and sat down on the couch. Then Sam and Cas walked back in.

"Im happy for you Dean" Cas said, before he just vanished.

"Well thats not suspicious at all" I said.

"Yep, so" Sam was fiddling with a bottle of beer.

"You gonna tell me or am I going to say it myself?" I finally said, feeling rather pissed.

"What?" Sam said. At that moment it was as if something inside of me click. like a switch just flicked on and I felt angry.

I could tell that Sam knew something was up, he knew I knew.

"Dean" He said keeping his voice calm, "You're not compleatly human okay, but you're more human than before, just don't let the demon side win."

And it was switched off again. I felt normal.

Don't let the demon side win.

Those words ringing in my head, over and over, pushing that side back down and I had control over it for now.

"Okay?" Sam said again, quietly.

"Yeah, I'm good" I answered, "Can we go find a case or something, im bored."

Demon DeanWhere stories live. Discover now