Chapter 26 - More Than This

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HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL! May 2019 only bring you love and joy.
Here is a new year update. Hope you like it.

"If I'm louder would you see me? Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me?"

Song: More than this
Artist: One Direction

For once since this whole trip, Harry actually had me come along to the office in London. He didn't really want me to come with in the past few days as he doesn't want me to 'worry' about the money stealing problem but I'm still his PA. No matter what status we have in our relationship now, I'm still one of his employees and I still need to do my job as one.

We are meeting a guy named Liam Payne. He is the CEO here in London. For some strange reason, that name sounds familiar but I just can't put my finger on it.

Riding in the car Harry had arranged for our time here, I couldn't help but feel so far from him even though he was only a few inches away from me.

I don't really know what to do. I wish Claire was here to give me some advice on how to approach her stubborn cousin.

"Quite daydreaming. We have work to do." Harry says climbing out of the car. I look around me and see we have arrived at the office but I was too in my own thoughts to notice.

Thanking the driver, I quickly get out of the car and follow a fast walking Harry into the building. I don't really know why I was allowed to come today, as he didn't want me here any of the other days. It doesn't really make sense.

Getting to the top floor the elevator doors open and I'm met with a long hallway. I follow Harry down the hallway towards a door that has the letters Mr L. Payne written on them. Harry opens the door without bothering to knock. I'm met with three people looking back at me.

One guy with short brown hair and brown eyes. One with brownish hair and blue eyes and then.. Alexa?

Is that really Alexa?

"Janelle?" The women I assumed as Alexa said.

"Alexa?" I ask in disbelieve. It's truly her. Maybe that's why the name Liam sounded so familiar.

"Wait. You know each other?" Harry asks looking between me and Alexa.

I nodded still looking at her. I can't believe I'm reunited with my best friend again after all these years. Suddenly she's out of her chair and running over to me and gives me a big hug. I hug her back with a huge smile on my face. I've missed this girl beyond words.

"I can't believe you're here!" She says with a big grin. "And I can't believe you're working for Harry. Is he treating you well? If not, I will be happy to kick his ass for you."

"Alex." Harry signs shaking his head. Well, if they are on a nickname basis then that means they know each other quite well. A small world you could say.

"Darling, we're here to speak business. You can catch up later, okay?" Liam comes over and wraps his arm around her waist. I look down and couldn't help my eyes to go big.

"You're expecting?" I ask excitedly giving her once again another hug.

"Yeah! I'm about six months." I was in complete awe, but the thing I just can't quite put my finger on is why she never told me. I mean, this is kind of a big life-changing moment and I am her best friend. Well, on my side I thought that. I called her that one time to complain about Harry, that wasn't that long ago. Why didn't she tell me then?

"Come on." Liam interrupts again, taking her hand and leading her to the table. I expected Harry to just walk in front of me and just sit down but what he did next kind of took me off guard. He actually took my hand and lead me over to the table. Then the thing that actually surprised me the most was that he actually took my chair out for me. He then takes a seat next to me not bothering much with what he just did. I just look in front at Liam that starts talking.

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