Chapter 9 - Gorgeous

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"And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way. But what can I say? You're gorgeous."

Song: Gorgeous
Artist: Taylor Swift

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? I'm sure the press will love this." A voice interrupted me. Harry focused his attention on the person who interrupted us. As soon as his eyes came in contact with the person it hardens and his face turns into an angry frown.

"Madison." He says in a very deep, groggy voice sending chills down my body. I look over to this person when I'm met with the same dark-haired goddess that was in his office a few weeks back. She is wearing a long red dress that is cut out at the sides with a very low V coming between her breasts. The dress sitting perfectly on her with her black hair up in a bun. She looks perfect. Who is she?

"What are you doing here?" I hear Harry continue asking her

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"What are you doing here?" I hear Harry continue asking her.

"Oh, you know Haz, we are family, why wouldn't I be here?" She says in a very flirty tone looking Harry up and down. I don't blame her. You can stare at the man all day but for some unknown reason, I don't like her looking at him.

"Used to be, Madison." He continues in his deep business-like tone. I don't like this Harry, I like the friendly and lovable Harry.

"Oh, Haz-"

"Don't call me that!" He snapped making me jump in surprise. He only snaps at the people at work like that and sometimes at me. But this woman gets under his skin.

Harry must've felt me jump because he looks over at me and his eyes immediately soften. His grip on my waist tighten and he pulls me closer to his chest.

"Like I was saying," Madison continues looking at me with a glare before looking back at Harry. "Just because Layla isn't here anymore doesn't make us not family." The grip Harry had on me only becomes tighter, his eyes becoming darker with anger and his lips in a tight line.

"Don't Madison." He warns in a deep tone.

Who is Layla?

A smirk starts to appear on Madison's face then she looks between me and Harry.

"Oh, the poor girl doesn't know? Looks like history is repeating itself, huh Haz? Isn't she, your assistant?" She asks in an innocent tone looking at me with fake sympathy.

"Leave Madison. I didn't invite you to my ball." Harry hissed. I didn't know what to feel.. what to believe. Was Harry hiding something from me? Is there something I should know?

"Oh Haz, of course, I was invited. Be sure to keep this little thing a secret. We wouldn't want the press to know you have an affair with your assistant. Again." She says with a devilish smile then turn around and walks away swaying her hips side to side.

An affair? Again?

When Madison was gone Harry turned me around so I was facing him but I couldn't look him in the eye. What was I thinking? I knew he was married but still, I let my feelings get in the way. How messed up is this?

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