Chapter 15 - Catching feelings

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Can we just take a moment and talk about that curl? So sexy! 👆🏻

"In my head, we're already together. I'm good alone but with you, I'm better."

Song: Catching feelings
Artist: Justin Bieber

Soooo sorry for the long wait. Things have been really busy with my family and school. I hope this chapter makes up for it.
Please feel free to comment your thoughts. I read all of them and try to reply as much as I can.
Thank you so much for reading. I really REALLY appreciate it.

Sorry for the long wait.. enjoy!

Harry was sleeping peacefully beside me. Tonight was rough on him. I never expected to hear that story, I always thought that she was just an ex-girlfriend that left him with a baby. I never expected that she died.

It truly broke my heart to see Harry like that. So broken, so vulnerable. I didn't know what to say to make him feel better or what to do. I've never been in the position of losing someone I dearly loved. Someone I truly, utterly and unconditionally loved.

I still wonder how Layla looked like. From what Harry told me, she was beautiful. Not only from the outside but from the inside as well. What women would want her man and child be looked after by another woman?

I couldn't sleep. I only thought about the story Harry told me a few hours ago. I look at the alarm clock on Harry's bedside table.

3 am. It reads.

Deciding that I could no longer lie here, I get out of bed to get me something to drink.

Slowly and carefully I lift the covers off me, making sure not to wake Harry. I slowly climb out of bed and tiptoe towards the door, opening it and closing it softly behind me.

In the dark, I walk carefully down the stairs and straight to the kitchen. Switching the light on, it blinds me for a few seconds before my eyes adjust to the light. Walking over to the cabinet, I take a glass out and fill it with water.

I lean against the kitchen counter taking a sip. The cool water going smoothly down my throat.

"Why are you up?" A voice startles me cashing me to let to go of the glass in my hand. The glass shatters all around my feet.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath. I kneel to start collecting the broken glass of the floor but Harry stops me.

"Don't! You'll cut yourself." He quickly ruses to the front door to put his boots on. He then comes back to me where I'm standing surrounded by little glass pieces and picks me up. He put me down safely far away from the shattered glass.

"How did you know I was gone?" I ask. He takes a broom and starts to brush all the little pieces together.

"I know when you are not beside me." He simply states while cleaning the mess I made.

I didn't reply. When Harry was done picking the glass up and threw it away he came over to me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his strong naked chest.

"What's on your mind?" He asks me softly. I didn't want to bring Layla up again, too afraid I will get the same reaction I got last night and I hate a sad Harry.

"Nothing." I simply reply not wanting to go back to the conversation.

"You're thinking about Layla." He states. I didn't know how to reply, he knew me to good. So I simply nod my head.

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