Chapter 25 - Not giving up on love

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"I know you're feeling restless, like life's not on your side. It's weighing heavy on your mind. But when we stand united, our hearts they beat in time. And I know we'll make it all alright."

Song: Not giving up on love.
Artist: Sophie Ellis-Bextor

As promised, here is your update...

It's our last few days in London. It's been several weeks that we are in London with Harry still not getting any leads on the person that is stealing the money. It really makes him frustrated and then he gets frustrated with me and Haley for no reason. I can see that it's starting to bother Haley.

I've been thinking of telling Harry to take a break from "us" to figure stuff out about how he feels. Especially what he said a few days ago about Layla still haunts me to this day. I get that she was a big part of his life and the cherry on the cake is that they have a child together. But it just seems like he isn't taking my feelings into consideration.

Like I said, I've been thinking about taking a break from all this until Harry sorts himself out but then I look at Haley. What's going to happen to her? She doesn't want to let me go for one minute to even use the loo, how can I leave her alone? Harry is barely home as it is and not giving her the attention she deserves, just think what will happen if I'm not here? This little girl will get depressed before she even knows what it is. I can't do that to her.

I know a lot of people will say I'm stupid for not putting my feelings first but although Haley is not biological my child, she's still a big part of me. She's grown on me as my own daughter, someone I want to take care of. And just because Harry can't sort out his feelings it isn't fair to Haley for me leaving her.

Yes, Harry hurts me. Yes, Harry says stuff I don't want to hear. But deep down, I know he cares for me. He has shown it, not just as much as I'd like.

Maybe I just need to talk to him about this issue, but then again... I don't want us to go on a screaming match and me walking away again.  I just wish we could sort this out like mature adults.

"Daddy will like this?" Haley asks me sitting on the counter of the small kitchen the suite provides for us. Harry has been very frustrated and grumpy these last couple of nights when he got home that Haley decided to make him his favorite dish to lift his spirits up.

"Yes baby. Daddy will love his homemade pepperoni pizza." I kiss the little girl's forehead and then continue to help her spread the ingredients evenly over the round dough. Not long we hear the door of the hotel open and then shut again with rather force. Haley looks over at me with big eyes, not knowing what's really happening.

Not long, in walks Harry with furrowed brows and wild curly hair that was pushed back one to many times.

"Daddy!" Haley squeal trying to jump off the counter. Luckily I catch her before she falls and put her down safely on the ground before she sprints over to her dad.

Harry gave her a small smile and pick her up. He puts her on his hip then she wraps her little arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug, almost like she has seen him ages last.

"I missed you, daddy." I hear her say against his neck. Harry only gives her a small kiss on her cheek then sit her down on the ground again.

"I missed you too, sweetheart. But daddy has to get back to work, okay. Go hang out with mummy." He quickly walks over to me, plants a kiss on my own cheek then turn around and walk to the bedroom to work like he's been doing for the last couple of nights.

When Harry closes the door, I look down at the little girl that is staring back at the door with sad eyes and slumped shoulders. She turns her head and looks back at me with sad green eyes. "Daddy doesn't want our pizza?" She asks in a small voice.

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