Chapter Nine

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The ride home was long and scarce. Dakota wasn't sure if the young wolf would make it to her father in time. Too much blood had been drained. Her skin was pallor and dry. Pulse thready. The girl involuntarily trembled as she laid unconscious.

'Fucking vampires.' Yes, these were rogues, so Dakota couldn't go hating all vampires in general but...she did. Dakota only tolerated not killing them on a daily basis because her father would disapprove. Her kind was dying from them on a regular. Dakota's ma had as well as Reese's parents.

Bryce told Dakota, he would get back to her in discussing their next strategy. Bryce was also kind enough to put the clothes she tore off, neatly folded inside the car.

Dakota dressed, only focused on saving her young wolf. The girl was strong to be breathing this long.

Arriving in front of her father's home, Dakota hurriedly hopped out of the car, swerving around to pull her wolf out. She could barely feel a pulse. The girl would need a blood transfusion and a lot to eat if she woke. Young cubs were different from adult Weres. As adults, they could compensate and regenerate enough blood flow to heal faster. One good shift and we were back in business. Cubs, needed to heal almost similar to an mundane human.

A few Weres notice Dakota coming with the girl cradled in her arms and opened the door wider, giving her room.

"Oh gosh. That's Cindy," one of the teenage Weres shouted, standing up from the porch.

Dakota snapped her gaze to the girl who spoke and few other young Weres next to her. "You all...follow." They would be perfect candidates for blood transfusions.

Moving into the den, Dakota acknowledged her father first and then turning her attention to Reese and a few others. Reese eyes showered over Dakota as if checking for any injuries and sighed a relief, softening her gaze on her a few more seconds. Dakota moved the girl onto the sofa.

"What happened?" Dakota's father asked in one of the thickest wolfish tones, not heard too often.

For about an hour, Dakota told her father all she learned and finding the girl being fed on. His expressions seemed to change with every new set of details.

By the end of it all he'd been in and out of his wolf only nodding or saying a few words. He was trying to maintain his composure and control. If he lost control, the pack would as well.

He was Alpha and been Alpha for a very long time, but hearing about one of his wolves being harmed or killed was never easy.

It was more and more the same for Dakota.

Her father said, 'when you stop caring and feeling what happens to your wolves, that's the time you stop being a true Alpha and let someone else take over. Better yet, end yourself.'

No Alpha should ever stop caring for their pack.

"You did well, second. Your time is coming close to becoming Alpha. The Alpha of Alphas." He stood tall giving Dakota that idolizing praise. "The pack will remember you for moments like this. You will always be loved."

Dakota hated when her father spoke like this. She shook her head, " still have many years..."

"Don't tell me what I have." Dakota observed her fathers vague expression. Was he trying to tell her something?

Wolves couldn't get sick. They were immune to illnesses, no matter how grievous the illness was. Nothing seemed wrong with him.

After a few more exchanges of words, Dakota left the den, looking for only one person; Reese. She was on her mind the entire time and needed her. All she could think of was Reese's smoky grayish eyes; her touch and kisses. Pretty much everything about Reese.

Dakota's father said he sent Daniel off on pack business and wouldn't be back until tomorrow night. That was fine with her.

Dakota looked through the house, not finding Reese and left disappointed. Maybe Reese realized they would not work and was avoiding her again. Reese's urgent need, spiked the moment Dakota had entered the den. Everyone could feel it.

Giving up, Dakota headed home.

Walking up the small steps of her porch, she opened the front door to her dark home. The scent of a Were in her house was bounding against her nostrils. "I thought you were avoiding me again."

Dakota heard an amused smirk in Reese's voice. "I wasn't trying to avoid you the first time. At least that wasn't my intent." Her voice was husky as she walked across Dakota's living room.

Dakota's eyes adjusted to the dark. A werewolves sight was sharp and crisp; best night vision even human technology couldn't create.

Reese slink up to Dakota, sliding her hands up her arms. Dakota shivered. "No one touched you?"

She wanted to know if Dakota was harmed or if Bryce tried to enthrall her. Dakota shook her head. "They never had the chance." Dakota wiggled her brow at Reese, grinning. Reese wasn't smiling and Dakota sighed. "Bryce wouldn't dare."

Snorting, Reese moved her hands down to Dakota's hands pulling them up to view. She examined them with an impressed glare. Stains of blood was left to remind both of them where she'd been. Dakota observed closely, eyes widening as Reese brushed her thumb over her knuckles, bringing Dakota's hand up more to her mouth. Reese slowly sucked gently on each finger.

Moaning softly to the essential intimacy Reese was giving her, Dakota's clit pounded like its own heart beat.

"You really handled those vampires. I can taste the remnant of the destruction you gave them," she teased.

Shrugging as if her battle tonight was not as accomplishing as she wanted it to be, Dakota sighed. "I'm glad we got information and I found my wolf. That wasn't a battle. One will come soon enough."

"But it is a victory," Reese responded. "Take that in and be happy you got that."

Dakota nodded, smiling. "They thought I was gullible to their attempt to enthrall me...until I removed one of their hearts."

"Ouch," Reese teased. "I want you," Reese said huskily. "Tonight."

Dakota grew wetter by Reese's need. Her wolf glimmered through her eyes at Reese.

Dakota leaned in, kissing Reese's cheek and then temple. "How bad do you want me?" Her hot breath whispered in Reese's ear.

Reese stepped closer, their bodies now compressed. "Very bad. I want to give you all you deserve, than some."

The thought of Dakota with her made Reese groan until another thought forced into her mind.

"What's wrong?" Dakota asked her lips softly brushing across Reese's cheek. Reese shuddered.

Reese averted her head away, with an abashed look.

Reese could feel Dakota's hand move over her face, turning her back to her eyes. "Talk to me?" Dakota said kissing her lips. Reese relaxed.

"You still want cubs of your own," Reese acknowledged. Reese felt the back of Dakota's sorrow.

Reese was always worrying about her needs. For once she would think of Reese's. "I'm happy with any future I have, as long as it's with you. I realize that now." That was the truth. "We've lived almost a century and I don't want to carry on anymore doubts on anything or anyone. With you, I am happy."

Reese believed her but it still didn't change that as long as Dakota wanted her, she may never have children. "Remember the stories my mother use to tell us. Of female Weres who mated together?" Reese knew the story was old but she wanted Dakota to consider what she thought.

"Yes. The stories that they were able to impregnate and one bear cubs."

Reese nodded. "My mother always knew how I felt about you. Even before I knew." Reese paused then continued. Bringing up her mother still hurt. "She knew your mating bond with Daniel wasn't a real connection. She always told me to he patient. She told us that story for this very moment. She would tell me, 'Dakota will come to her senses, and when she does, you tell her this.'" Reese used her mothers very words.

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