Chapter Eight

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Dakota was already late to meeting Bryce in front of the club, "Fangerain." She didn't find a reason to rush. Any vampire that was rogue would spend half the night where the blood was being sold.

   'Who named a club this?' She smirked. Fangerain had a ringer to.

   Dakota made her way across the parking lot, observing Bryce gazing at her with annoyance. She was only thirty minutes late.

   Dakota had on a black tank top with denim blue jean.

   Dakota caught him gawking at her breast. She wasn't wearing a bra; only because it took more work taking it off during a shift. She wanted to burn his eyes out for looking.

   Dakota gave him a stern 'Don't make me hurt you' expression. She wasn't in the mood and never would be.

   "Would you like to lead this hunt? Werewolves are better hunters," Bryce admitted.

   "Lets start with the club," Dakota pointed.

   "Fangerain?" He asked absently steering his gaze to the club dubious.

   "Did your friend change locations or that stupid name within the last twenty-four hours?" Dakota asked dryly.

   Bryce stood as if in conflict with his thoughts and her smug reply.

   Dakota growled already irritated. "Is this going to be a problem?" Blowing out the loudest breath, she scowled impatiently. "A vampire attacked and killed one of my wolves. The club is a hot spot for vampires. I'm pretty positive I will be able to sniff out the vamp"

   Bryce face constricted to the implication of a rogue being here and his kind being called vamps. Dakota knew calling vampires 'vamps' was an insult to his kind "So, because we have a club, you assume that"- he paused, eyeing her harshly for a moment before continuing- "rogue vampires ... enjoy coming into the club scenery?" He had the nerve to drag the word 'vampire' out, as if giving its own deeper meaning.

   "No," Dakota said and Bryce made a 'that's my point' expression, but Dakota wasn't finished. "No, I don't assume." She gave him a moment to follow closely to what she was trying to say. "If a rogue vampire killed my wolf, that means they wouldn't pass up any place that they could find blood. When an addict wants drugs, they go where the drugs are."

   He couldn't ignore that logic. "Alright. But no trouble in there. They will already smell what you are the moment you pass through those doors."

   "I can't promise that," Dakota said harshly. She couldn't promise anything like that. Dakota waved his fuming expression off with a wave. She wanted to at least respect that this was his friends club. "I'll try," she said.

   "Well ... try your best," he finally responded.

   When they reached the club, Bryce stopped Dakota from walking further extending his arm over her chest.

   She shoved his arm from over her, snarling. "Don't be stupid in touching me."

   Bryce grinned. "I don't plan on it." Bryce pointed. "They won't let you in without me."

   Two huge vampires stood by the front metal doors and Dakota assumed they were the bouncers. Vampire bouncers. They wore all black with a matching pair of leather jackets.

   'Bouncers with style' she amused herself.'

   Really scrutinizing their looks, Dakota got more of a Mafia vibe from them.

   Humored by her speculation she smirked.

   Bryce stared puzzled, trying to read her expression.

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