Chapter 17

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    They were in view of their packs home and Reese observed Dakota's sudden qualm in advancing any further. The scent of death drifted in the air having no respect in leaving Dakota's ambiance any time soon.
   It was too erratic for her to handle. "I only need a moment."
   Reese stood at her side, strong and protective of her mate. Though Dakota's battle was in her mind at the moment Reese could still protect of that too. They had ran for almost an hour ending up here.
   "Who's been watching over the pack?" Dakota's voice was almost in a whispered tone.
   "Shane was hurt and I told a few others to stand guard." Reese smiled. "But I told Cindy to make the pack feel relaxed and safe." 
   Dakota furrowed a brow. "She's only a cub."
   "You were only a cub when you started taking on leadership." Reese had a great point and she was also great at making good judgement calls. "You said yourself...she would grow to be a very dominant wolf that would do great things for our pack."
   "You're right." Dakota nodded. "We should go to them now." It was time to face her pack. They needed her and Dakota needed them.
   They reached their home and blood mixed into the dirt like flour and oil. Reese never left Dakota's side as the pack swarmed her. Tears fell from their eyes as they reached for both of them like a lifeline. Many who looked at them earlier with disgust for loving each other  seemed to ignore their own opinions from before, embracing them.
   Dakota noticed Shane walking slowly with his arm cradling over his abdomen, hunched to the side. Dakota huffed out an air of relief, pushing through her pack to reach for Shane. She embraced him with so much strength if she was hugging a mundane human, she would have cracked a few bones.
   "I'm fine..." Shane assured. "Your brother...he locked himself in the den..." his eyes shifted pass Dakota looking at Reese. With Reese's nod that told him Dakota knew the truth..."with your father."
Dakota's breath felt heavy in her lungs, turning her head away. "I'll go in now..." Dakota said weakly.
  Dakota stepped into her home and already a change began to appear. This home no longer held the warmth and security it once had. Daniel and his fellow pack of rogues violated Dakota's home bringing death in their mist.
   Walking through the front of the house, Dakota looked through the sliding door to the den noticing her brother hunched over the side of the couch on his knees.
   She couldn't bring herself the courage to look at her father's body. Dakota was no where near in control and calm, sensing her wolf ready to lead the rest of her steps.
   Dakota placed her hand over the glass sliding door, pressing her forehead into it as well, taking a deep inhale.
   Her chest felt like sharp needles stabbing at her heart and Dakota grimaced, squeezing her eyes shut before knocking on the sliding door.
   Brandon gazed up, turning his head her way and his eyes widen with hysteria and relief. Dakota blinked her eyes a few times, lips quivering as Brandon stood rushing to the door.
   Once he opened it, Brandon practically leaped into her arms crying immediately. "I thought I lost you." His tears soaked at her shoulder and she squeezed him hard afraid to let go. "I saw him shoot you. Oh God...I thought you died." Brandon's voice cracked with every other word as he let his sobs come full force.
   Dakota curled one of her arms up his back with the palm of her hand clasped at the back of his head, holding him in place. "I'm here," she said realized of that. The thought of her brother being left without either her or their father frightened her. "I'm alright."
   Dakota's eyes were shut closed, finally opening them with dread. From her peripheral vision to her right she could make out the lower half of her father's body. The rest of his body was hidden with how he laid stretched out lifeless on the couch.
   Brandon slowly loosened his grip on her and Dakota's line of sight was far from the view of her father.
   "I didn't want anyone touching him," Brandon said achingly.
   It took me a moment to face Brandon. "I'm...I'm sorry," Dakota whispered out.
   "No one knew this was going to happen."
   Brandon was right but Dakota still felt guilt. She should have considered. She knew Daniel was somehow corrupt in all this.
   Dakota walked pass her brother ready to face her father. It was tormenting seeing him like this. Dakota wanted to fall into the delusion that all it would take was shaking him to bring her father out of some deep sleep.
   Seeing her father, Dakota knelt down to his side scrutinizing his chest as if it would show some sign of his chest rising for a breath. Nothing. Dakota stared for some time until Brandon walked over kneeling beside her.
   He slid his hand over to hers, squeezing her fingers gently. "He's gone."
   He was. Her father was dead. What did that mean? "The pack will want to say goodbye to him."
   Like that, Dakota was already making a decision. She was doing what her father trained her to do all these years. For three quarters of a century Dakota watched her father lead and now it was her to.
   Brandon didn't argue with her on the decision though she could see he was possessive of their fathers body.
   "I will go let everyone know they can come in." Dakota stood feeling cold from the distance of being next to her father's body. She shook the sensation away, walking out towards the front of their home.
   Dakota was emotionless and dangerously calm.
   After telling her pack to go say their goodbyes Cindy ran up to Dakota, stopping only a few feet from her.
   She waited for permission and Dakota nodded giving it to her. Cindy collapsed herself into Dakota and she welcomed the young wolf's embrace and love. "I'm sorry. I tried--"
   Dakota pulled away silencing Cindy with a stern expression. "There was no way you could have stopped this. If I coup...than you couldn't."
   Cindy nodded.
   "I heard how brave you were..." Dakota squeezed Cindy's shoulder. "Thanks for watching over everyone."
   Cindy smiled standing a bit straighter. She was already proving me right in my prediction of her becoming a huge part of this pack.
   "Shane," a feminine voice screeched in relief and I turned noticing the familiar tone.
   Payden fell into Shane's arms as he welcomed her, stifling a groan by the look of pain in his facial expression. "I will be fine."
   "We come as allies," Dakota heard Bryce saying as she faced a few of her pack snarling at him like an enemy.
   "Travis...Trent..." the two of my pack turned to me gold in their eyes, "their here as friends."
   Dakota saw challenge in their eyes and turned straightening her stance to show she was not weakened mentally or physically after what happened. If anything Dakota had only grown stronger.
   "This damn vamp is not welcomed," Trent snarled. He was a lot more stocky than his brother Travis. He had a thick beard with harsh eyes that gave him a look similar to a criminal on a bank robbing rampage.
   Far as Travis, he was built more like one of those MMA fighters with broad shoulders and a smooth clean shaved face.
   Dakota wasn't going to give any warning. She found their challenge abrasive at a time like this, but that's usually how Weres worked if they wanted to jump their way up to Alpha status. Challenge an Alpha in their personal crisis.
   What they didn't realize was that she was very clear minded and they were only delaying her. That would earn them pain they would never forget.
   Dakota moved in unnatural speed directly in between the two brothers, seizing her hands around their necks as she slammed them hard enough to lose their breaths onto the ground. Dakota squeezed at both their necks with equal force, swerving her eyes to both sides as she watched them struggle to breathe. "Right now...I could crush your windpipe and continue on with the night. Better yet..." Dakota let her claws extend out as she pressed them into the flesh of both their necks..."I could just rip your windpipes out." Dakota voice never falter or lost its dominating tone. She sounded calm and evenly. "I need as many of my pack to go and kill all who was responsible for our Alpha's death. You have two choices."
   Trent and Travis eyes started to go bloodshot but Dakota did not loosen the pressure. They were werewolves and couldn't die from being choked to death. Their heart would regenerate eventually and they'd need to shift to heal.
   The rest of the pack only watched along with Bryce and Payden.
   Reese was not too far behind. Dakota could feel her mate.
   "Follow me...or die?"
   They couldn't very well speak but the gesture of them sticking their index and middle finger up was a sign of submitting.
   Dakota let go in that instant, standing up as she watched the brothers struggle painfully to breathe.
   Immediately they shifted wolf to help heal themselves and Dakota nodded as they scattered away.
   Reese walked over to her mate, linking one of their hands together as she brushed her over hand over Dakota's cheek. "You alright?"
   Dakota sighed. "I only want to get this night over with."
   Reese nodded. "Then let's do that."
   Bryce observed Dakota and Reese from a distance actually happy they were able to be together without restrictions.
   Though Dakota was focused on her mate she noticed Bryce staring at her. "I thought you were going to bring some help?"
   Bryce nodded. "I was." He walked over to them. "Seems we got the upper hand. Matthew knows some vampire hunters. Their human. After you left I called him and he got in touch with them. They have Joshua and is willing to bring him to us."
   "What's the catch?" Reese asked.
   "I'm not sure yet. They are willing to meet us here tonight."
   "When?" Dakota asked.
   "One hour."
   "I don't care much for humans...but, they have who we need to getting to the bigger fish and I believe this will hold Daniel and his rogues off for another night." Dakota turned her back to him a moment considering other options. There was none.
   Dakota knew what she would do to that vampire once he was into her custody. She was already counting the minutes. "Fine."
   Bryce nodded to Payden and she pulled out her phone calling Matthew, Dakota assumed.
   "You are welcome to stay. No point in leaving to only be back in a hour," Reese stated. 
    Bryce nodded. "Thank you."
    "Dakota..." Brandon stole back her attention. "What should we do with our father?"
   Dakota hadn't thought that far. Their pack did not believe in burial and they still had a hole lot of shit to deal with. "No one may enter the den. We'll give him the proper ceremony in the morning."
   Brandon nodded, heading back into the house. Dakota knew he would stay with the body for most of the night.
   The body. Her father's body. Dakota closed her eyes hating that she had lost her father so brutally and to a man like Daniel. He was truly a coward.
   She would be the one who personally removed him from this world.
   "Does this make you are Alpha now?" Cindy asked.
   Dakota frowned, not even considering her titled role yet. She had automatically taken the lead but she wasn't thinking of it as being anyone's Alpha. "It takes a ceremony for me to actually be placed as Alpha...but, yes...I suppose I am now."
   Before Cindy could ask anymore questions I spoke. "Go check on everyone. Make sure the younger cubs are getting read to sleep. Tell them to sleep as wolves tonight. All in the living room tonight."
  Cindy nodded.
   I knew the pack would feel much safer if their wolves were in control.
   They all needed their sleep but for tonight Dakota's pack would have to stay up to face their threat until every last enemy was removed.
   Reese walked over to Dakota slipping her arms around Dakota's mid back, laying her head against Dakota's shoulder. "We will end on top."
   Dakota kissed her mates forward head answering Reese with a light squeeze. Dakota eyes shifted to Bryce as he stared and nodded and then her friend Shane who looked much healthier.
   For Dakota, tho s was more than getting rid of those who done wrong against her pack, killing her father. Through Daniel, Joshua and his sire Alexander...and all those fucking rogues...their deaths would be an example for the next pair of eyes that even thought to look at her pack wrong.
Yes...we would end this, standing on top of our enemies with their flesh ripped apart.

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