Chapter 14~Updated

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   They were finally free to be together and that brought upon a relief that Dakota and Reese needed. They walked off into the back shed giving themselves privacy.

   Reese looked at Dakota with a smirk, as she reeled in lifting Dakota up around her waist, spinning her around. When she stopped, Dakota slid down and Reese leaned in capturing her mates lips. Dakota opened her mouth wide and ready to take their kiss to another level. "I waited so long to have you."

   Dakota glided the back of her fingers over Reese's cheek. "Long overdue."

   A knock on the door took them from the intimacy they was about to share. " will have to cut y'alls moment short," Shane said. By the tone of his voice Dakota and Reese could tell he was smiling. "Mr. Vampire is here."

   That woke Dakota up enough to rush to the door opening it. Dakota sniffed the air and sure enough she could smell Bryce and his progeny near. Dakota looked to Reese who face was so tight in harden lines Dakota knew she was feeling on edge. Bryce had gazed at me too many times and for too long of times. If Bryce was smart he would know not to attempt that tonight. Dakota walked over to her mate brushing her lips over Reese's to distract her from all the thoughts she was having on killing Bryce. "I am yours," Dakota whispered over her lips before kissing her again. "Despite how he may seem...he is a great ally to have."

   That had Reese look at Dakota and nodded.

   Dakota grabbed onto Reese's hand dragging her out of the shed to the front of their home.

   The pack was all out in front grimacing by the sight of vampires in their territory. They weren't accustomed to vampires being in their territory and Dakota was sure they would attack if either vampire made any sudden moves.

   "I thought only he would come?" Daniel pointed to Bryce asking their Alpha.

   When Dakota and Reese appeared from the side, Daniels line of sight shifted to theirs. His expression was smug as if he had set in motion the destruction of their futures. He clearly forgot who both of them were. A few more of the pack turned to them, many a look of elation versus the few who looked at them with vile disgust.

   Dakota's father arched a brow at Dakota and Reese and they knew what that meant.

   Dakota spoke first walking up to the vampires. When Bryce and Payden saw them Dakota was sort of glad they didn't have judgement in their eyes. Dakota wasn't sure why she cared what they thought... more so Bryce.
You respect him, therefore you care.
   Reese used their mating bond to tell Dakota that. She was right. "My apologies from before. You invited us into your home and...things didn't go quite as planned."

   It was Reese's turn. "Yeah...sorry for not telling you politely to keep your eyes off of my mate."

   "Resse," the Alpha snarled.

   Dakota grinned absently at her mates apology.

   Bryce only smirked lifting his hand up for their Alpha to show he wasn't offended. "Alpha...that was the best apology I've heard in years. Who would want someones eyes on their mate. I wouldn't be sorry for threatening a life myself."

   Dakota's father turned his gaze to Reese and than nodded accepting her apology for what it was. "Fine. I would have reacted the same."
   Dakota stepped further into the crowd, many of her pack making room for her to pass. Reese was not too far behind.
   "What do you have for us?"
   Straight to the point. Dakota didn't need to make small talk or leave room for Bryce to comment on the event that took place in his house. That wasn't any of his business. 
   Bryce nodded. "Joshua just arrived back at his home with a few of his friends. I have a vampire of my own there with him my eyes."
   "So we go after him in the daylight. How do we take him as our hostage?" Reese was always more blunt than Dakota when asking important questions. "I'm sure our intent isn't to kill him. Not right away at least."
   "No," Bryce spoke. "I need to ask him questions of my own. We need to know more information before we try to lure Alexander to us."
   "Information." Dakota looked at Bryce incredulous. "What more do we need to know?"
   "There are rumors of a possible threat that can cause grave damage to our pack and so many other packs." Dakota's father seemed to have tension spilling out of him and the pack snarled all in unison of a possible threat no one expected.
   "What kind of threat?"
   "One thing at a time," Bryce told Reese.
   "Then maybe you should go and get this Joshua yourself," Reese retorted.
   Bryce sneered and Dakota watched as Payden shifted slightly towards Reese.
   "One step and I'll tear my teeth into you," Dakota growled canines erupting.
   The Alpha snarled silencing everyone. "We don't have time for this. We are either going to be allies or enemies." The Alpha looked at Dakota making sure she wouldn't argue. "Is he an ally?" He asked her.
   Bryce as well as his progeny and all of the pack seemed to turn to Dakota for her answer. Reese had already known what Dakota thought of Bryce.
   It would be Dakota who ultimately decided if the pack should trust this vampire. She could not forget who he was. Dakota never much cared for vampires and had written them off as enemies not to long ago. Now, as she stood and faced Bryce she was left with the decision. She was left to either stick with her old belief or change what she thought of vampires. This could inadvertently change the packs view on vampires.
   Dakota looked Bryce over eventually making eye contact with him and instantly Bryce and everyone else knew exactly what that meant. No way a Werewolf, not to mention Dakota would look any vampire as old as Bryce in the eyes unless she trusted him. He smiled pleased with her decision. "He's an ally."
   The sun beamed high in the sky slapping their skin and Reese groaned.
   Dakota snickered at her mates displeasure. "You hate the cold. You hate the heat. You're asking for too much from the weather."
   "I prefer it to be warm," Reese whined.
   "I prefer you both to shut up," Daniel snarled.
   Dakota faced Daniel as they all stood along with Shane down a trail they were walking through. "My father told you to join us and honestly I find your presence here...unwanted."
   "We all do," Reese added.
   "It's best you turn around," Dakota added.
   Daniel snorted. "You're not the Alpha."
   With such speed, Daniel did not have enough time to react and Dakota was beside him, her fingers squeezing around his throat. Dakota's canines were out along with her wolf. "Unless you can beat have no choice in the matter."
   Daniel absently submitted, turning his eyes and Dakota shoved him away turning her back to him. Dakota didn't turn her back to anyone but wasn't worried about Daniel. Like Dakota suspected, Daniel lunged himself at her and she spun around catching the arm he used to try to claw her with, than twisted it behind his back until she heard his shoulder snap. Daniel cried out and Dakota let him go as he tried not to move his arm.
   "Fuck." He growled. "Pop it back in place," he snarled. His shoulder wouldn't begin healing until it was realigned.
   "Maybe you should go back to the pack and have them do it," Reese smiled widely, enjoying the agony coming from Daniel.
   Shane shook his head. "You would think he learned by now not to challenge you."
   They all shrugged off of Daniels naive belief that he could actually take Dakota and they began walking away from him.
   It had taken them much longer to reach the vampires lair. Once they had the sight of it was of what they hadn't expected it to look like. Dakota thought the windows would be dark and tinted, rust all around his home. Maybe mist circulating as an ambiance like hidden space for the vampire to hide in. This home was different. The house was white, bright to the point of blinding with the sun adding to its effect. It looked fairly new with a garden on both ends of the house. If Dakota did not know what slept in this home she believe it was owned by some elderly couple retired, keeping a private life. The windows were huge with drapes covering our view of the inside of the house. No mist or any signs of danger lurked about. Maybe that was the point. To look innocent and welcoming only to lure those who knew no better.
   "Are you ready?" Reese put her hand on Dakota's shoulder making her turn. "Don't let your wolf lead you. Not yet."
   Reese eyes turned from her mate and Dakota grabbed her face by her chin, forcing Reese to look back. "What's wrong?"
   With the softest touch, the back of Reese's fingers smoother down Dakota's cheek as if shedding away something hidden to Dakota's eyes. Dakota inhaled softly, Reese lips brushing against her cheek. "I trust you. I only hope this isn't some trap."
   "Bryce wouldn't betray us," Dakota said sure of that.
    Dakota slowed her breathing knowing her wolf was already trying to claw its way out. They were going into a vampires home and an enemy far as they knew.
   If this vampire was smart he would know they were here. Dakota didn't expect him to be sleep in his bed, to be easily caught. The front door was less likely to be locked. Just like Werewolves they didn't lock their doors. The thought of any breaking into their homes was a slim chance. For one, there was always someone home and two if someone was coming into their home than most likely it wouldn't matter if it was locked or not.
   Reese took the lead, protective of Dakota, sniffing the air. She was trying to smell any vampires close by. There were definitely vampires here now and they weren't asleep.
   Shane stayed off the porch gazing around, watching for any sudden movement.
   A snarl broke from Reese's lips and before Dakota could turn, a rogue vampire with red eyes clenched onto Dakota snatching her away from her mates arms. Dakota cried out a growl, as sharp pain penatrated through her ribs as if something was digging inside of her. She gazed down long enough to notice a knife wedged inside of her. She wanted to cry out and Dakota knew only silver could make her feel this much pain.
   This rogue was much stronger than she expected, maybe a few hundred years old. He was pinning Dakota to the door as the rogues teeth tried to rip into her throat. Dakota used her forearms as a barrier, at the same time the knife digging further inside of her all while fighting to keep the rogues snapping fangs from her throat.
   Her eyes scanned quickly finding Reese in her own battle along with Shane and she snarled wanting to protect her mate.
   Gold shimmered in her eyes as she stretched her arms out, shoving the rogue further away. Dakota's back was smashed against the front door as the rogue tried reeling closer. Feeling the pressure of her wolf at the edge of her throat brought such pain that brought tears to her eyes. Dakota quickly pivoted her arm clamping her fingers tightly around the rogues throat as she squeezed until she felt her clawed fingers perforated through and the rogue squealed. Sticky dark blood oozed and splattered over Dakota's face and she winced with disgust. "Fuck," Dakota growled.
   The rogue stopped trying to attack Dakota taking a few steps back, eyes wide in horrid disbelief of what was happening to him. Dakota was sure the rogue believed he would ever die like many of the vampires Dakota crossed in the past. The rogue cradled his hands over his throat as if that would stop his file blood from coming out. Dakota gazed down at the knife still lunged between her ribs, yanking it out.
   With her wolf in full control, Dakota snarled so loud it stopped the few rogues that were heading in her path as Dakota swiped her clawed hand in a slicing angle viciously, with brute force across his neck, decapitating the rogue. The rogues head fell into the floor rolling a few feet away before his body hit the floor, slowly disintegrating.
   The two other rogues that were heading Dakota's way eyes widen in horror, turning off to run in fear. Little did they know Shane and Reese were standing right behind them. In unison they both plundged their hands into the rogues chest, ripping their hearts out tossing it to the side.
   Reese groaned shaking her hand away from her body, disgusted with the rogues blood painted over her hand. "Shit. Sometimes this crap makes me want to retire."
   " love it," Shane chuckled.
   Dakota's shoulders were tight, her jaw shut tight as she fought her wolf. Growls came from her throat and the touch of her mates hand over her back nearly made her frenzied. "Shush...its me." Reese's voice was always so welcoming to hear. "You alright?"
   Dakota only nodded.
   "I fucking hate vampires," Dakota snarled. She hunched over placing the palm of her hand over her knees as she let her stab wound heal. She could already feel a stinging itch over where the knife penetrated her.
   "You think Bryce--"
   Dakota shook her head, taking in calmer respirations. "I hate rogue vampires."
   Reese narrowed her eyes at Dakota.
   Shane shook his head, stepping closer. "Payden may not like you two...but she loves me."
   Reese gave him a furgive glare. " nose isn't picking up any other vampires. That only means he knew we were coming."
   "I'm just saying. She wouldn't send me into a trap and nor would Bryce." Shane placed his hand on both his friends shoulders. "I trust them both."
   Reese shrugged his hand away, angrily. "Well I don't."
   "Reese...?" Shane snarled. "Yes...someone told Joshua we were coming but it wasn't them. Daniel is more than capable."
   Dakota saw doubt in Reese's eyes as well as anger. "Then we'll find out soon enough."
   There were no other words that needed to be said. Reese had made up her mind and would find out one way or another who betrayed them.

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