Chapter 21

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   "I know something else about you." Alexander peered at Dakota, his fangs barred for her to see. "Your bite can kill a vampire and take ones memory for yourself. But those claws of yours," he pointed down at Dakota's hands, "can take away what makes a fae so special. Sucking it out of them and taking it for yourself."
   Dakota squinted her eyes unsure of her choice of words. There was a lot she could do but that was not one of them. "You are full of shit."
  The vampire holding the silver sword that still was penetrated pressed it downward, forcing our a snarl. "Watch how you speak to my sire."
   The sharp edges cut the tendons within her shoulder. Dakota balled her hands into fist holding back the fury she wanted to release. Breathing did not help in the matter; her chest naturally rising and falling, unable to breathe soft enough to inhale without the sword cutting more into her.
   The cold air cut through her swaying hair, slipping through her ponytail.
   Daniel dragged a woman who fought, withering in his grip. Her hair was blond like coffee with too much creamer. "Please..." she screamed out. "I'll do what you want. Please just..." Daniel shoved the young woman in front of Dakota..."please..."
   Now she was begging to Dakota as if she would cause further harm. "Calm down." Dakota snarled when the vampire behind her shifted the sword inside her.
   "Don't talk to her." The vampire ordered.

   "I don't know why you are making me your enemy." Dakota faced Alexander, than Daniel. "I won't try to kill you. I'll let Reese do it herself."

   "Right..." Daniel walked up to Dakota as if his muscles didn't tremble with the thought of her breaking free to kill him. the fear was evident in his eyes. He spat in Dakota's face and the wolf that was barely holding tight of a growl emanated out. "You are in my control now."

   It took a lot of control not to rush up.

   Alexander pursed his lips, shaking his head in disgust. He walked casually towards Dakota grabbing a handkerchief from his vest. "Even I have enough politeness not spit in someone's face." slowly, he turned his focus to Daniel. "I've entertained your needs because you assisted me this far. as of now...I no longer need your services."

   Daniel's smirk was wiped clean off his face as if he was just informed that he had only a certain time frame before his death. The truth was, he did only have a certain amount of time before his death. Reese would make sure of that.
  "Alexander. You need me to help you--"
   "What I need is for you to leave." Alexander left little room for argument.
   Dakota smiled, knowing his fate. "I won't say I told you so."
   She could already taste his blood in her mouth through Reese.
   Daniel looked out wondering which direction to head out. He was terrified and unsure. He chose the wrong side. He chose his destination, running off defensive and on high guard.
   Reese watched a hundred feet with the rest, as her mate was taken as Alexander's prisoner.
   "This is temporary." Shane rested his hand on her shoulder. "We have to wait for the right moment. He has too many on his side, hidden somewhere close."
   "Matthew will find our enemies layer and we will charge in the moment the times right."
   "I know the tactic to our waiting."
   "Sorry Prima." Patrice, stepped away, giving Reese space.
   The distance was too far for them to hear everything, but she could see Daniel running slightly off their path.
   "Close him off. Use your bow, but do not kill him. He's mine." Reese ran in far more speed than she normally did after Daniel's scent.
   Skirting through trees and over bushes, Reese knew she was gaining up on Daniel. His fear was staining the air like a visual aroma.
   At the last second, Reese changed tactics, leaping straight into the air ten feet high as Daniel swung a thick piece of branch.
   Daniel snarled missing her. "What did you expect me to do? Stay loyal as you took my mate from me."
   "She was never yours to have." Reese landed on her feet, raising her hand up as a signal to the rest not to attack. This was her fight. Reese taunted Daniel. "Let's finish this, if all your cowardice has left."
   Daniel tried to rip his shirt off, so predictable and Reese went in hot, swinging her claws right for his throat.
   Daniel leaned his upper body backwards, dodging Reese's attack.
   Fortunately, Reese was swift, swinging her other set of claws down at his chest. Her claws caught at the side of his face, raking down to his collarbone.
   Blood stained her clawed fingers, taking a third swipe at his throat again.
   Two out of three, Daniel dodged Reese's deadly claws.
    Daniel got lucky punching her in the jaw, stopping, pompous of his one hit. "I'll always end--"
   Like a snake going in for a strike Reese swerved her claws at his throat removing his instrument to speak.
   Holding his windpipe in her hand, Reese held it up giving him a personal acknowledgement to what he was about to experience. Death.
   His eyes widen the hole in his neck gushing out blood. In shock he tried to speak anyway, falling to his death within seconds.
   "He talked more than he fought." Patrice walked up with her bow in hand.
   "He was infamous for that." Shane stood over Daniel's body. "Travis. Trent. Put his body in the trunk. Can't leave him out for humans."
   They nodded in unison doing as told.
   Reese snarled to more of herself. "What is taking them so fucking long?"
   She was referring to Matthew, Bryce, and Payden.
   "I'm sure they'll be here soon as they can." Shane patted Reese's shoulder. "Let's get back."
   "You smell that?" Alexander smiled cynically, talking to his progenies. "Looks like you were right. I can taste his blood in the air."
   Dakota would not make a comment or even acknowledge his dark humor regarding Daniel's death. She kept her eyes on the woman in front of her.
   Her body was weak but numb to the pain.
   "Time for you to bite her." Alexander pointed at Dakota.
   "I'm not going to hurt her." The woman looked at Dakota, hoping that she would be set free. To Dakota, it seemed the woman was relying on Dakota to save her.
   That was a promise she couldn't make.
   "Where are those canines of yours?" Alexander crouched between them, staring at Dakota's mouth. Looking up at the vampire who had the sword in Dakota's shoulder, he silently gave him an order. 
   The vampire slid the sword out of Dakota only to penetrate it through her lower back. The pointed end came out through her abdomen and Dakota snarled, feeling around the sword.
   Alexander twirled his index finger around the vampire began twisting the sword inside of her.
   In a loud roar, Dakota canines extended Alexander verbally cheering. "There they are." He grabbed her face. "If I did not need you, I would kill you very slow for what you did to my first progeny. Joshua was a son to me."
   He shoved her away, grabbing the woman by the back of the necked than her left arm. "Would you like to know what happens to you after she take all of your fae abilities?" He was taunting the woman.
   She cried out, begging him to let her go. There was no remorse in Alexander.
   " bit from a Werewolf. An Alpha like this one you stand by..." Alexander lifted the woman to her feet..."You can't be turned by one bite but it can effect you."
   "Leave her alone," Dakota's snarled out knowing her words would do her no good.
   "I've seen humans lose their minds. Suicide is the only treatment for you after."
   What he did not understand was the kind of Alpha Dakota was. She could control what her bite did. Therefore, what he wanted would never happen. She would play along.
   He looked up at the vampire keeping Dakota in place and she felt another blade penetrate in between her back shoulder. Dakota snarled out in pain, her mouth agape enough to have the woman's forearm slip between my her canines as she bit down hard into the woman.
   The woman screamed as Dakota's eyes simmered gold. The woman's green eyes shined iridescent, the color that came from being fae.
   "Please..." the woman sobbed to Dakota.
   There was nothing Dakota could do. She hoped Reese and the rest found their way to helping her soon. For now Dakota had to go along with what was happening.
   An wooden arrow zipped pass Dakota's view, Alexander swerving his body a few feet back as it pierced through the heart of one of Alexander's progenies.
   Before words were spoken an second arrow went a few inches over her head into the heart of the vampire who was keeping Dakota bound by the sword.
   Dakota reacted, taking this opportunity to swerve the woman round as Alexander nearly swiped her for his own leverage.
   Instead, Dakota's back facing him, Alexander pulled the sword out of her, which she wanted swinging it upward to deflect the arrow aimed at him.
   The wooden arrow fell, split in two and Dakota lunged back toward Alexander in unnatural speed catching the sharp end of the arrow.
   In one full motion Dakota jammed the arrow into the side of Alexander's knee. He sneered, kicking his other leg out at Dakota as she rolled backwards back on her feet. She had too much aggression in her to feel any pain. Her wounds were already closing up.
   More of Alexander's minions came out as my unit of wolves and vampires announced themselves visually.
   "Dakota." Reese's voice snapped Dakota's head to her swiftly as her mate tossed her a swird.
   "Hm. Do you even know how to use one of those?"
   "My father believed in teaching me the old tradition of fighting." Dakota eyes simmered gold. "You should have never underestimated me."
   "Regardless, that would will lose what she has and you will either be forced to turn her or let her suffer."
   Dakota could hear fights breaking out around her, one of the humans with her taking the fae woman to safety.
   "Again, you underestimated me. You knew my father. But...You do not know me." Dakota swung the sword out at him first, pivoting her foot with each move she made.
   Alexander moved faster than Dakota, coming up behind her as he sliced the sword down her back.
   Snarling, Dakota spinned low in a crouching position as she tried tripping him. As she pulled back up into a stance her sword connected with his.
   He used his infinite strength to overpower Dakota, adding his body weight to push down harder.
   In a unnatural speed Alexander changed tactics pulling a knife from his coat, swinging it under there swords as Dakota hopped back, barely escaping its potential damage.
   A Were that was on Alexander's side came in, rushing Dakota from behind and she moved swiftly, pivoted the pointed end of her sword backwards as it pierced through the Weres open mouth.
   Alexander swung his sword again, first over his head in a helicopter motion coming down horizontal hard.
   Dakota leaped to one side as Alexander aimed his knife right toward the side of her neck. Dakota hand blocked his attack, the knife penetrating through the center of her hand.
   The pain did not effect her, her body immune to it as she let her wolf come all the way out.
   "If I can't own you, than you have to die."
   Alexander pivoted the sword inward, Dakota leaping to one side. Dakota heaved the knife out of her hand, using it to stab Alexander in the neck.
   Dakota knew that would not kill him, taking her next opportunity to do what she really wanted to do. She pierced her canines into his, tearing through it like meat on a bone.
   Hissing, she felt hands clasp over her upper arms as Alexander did his best to pull her off.
   Calling to her full prima need, Dakota shifted into her wolf, her canines never detaching from his throat.
   "Dakota..." Bryce sneered.
   She ignored him, not stopping this kill for anyone.
   In a sudden moment Bryce went from fifty feet away to less than two as he reached in for her.
   Reese was there not as fast as he moved but right on time as she blocked his path.
   "We need him alive," Bryce sneered. "You think he was the leader of this entire thing? Really."
   Reese called to her mate and Dakota stopped on command.
   Backing away, Dakota looked down at the mess she made.
   Whatever conversation Bryce had planned for Alexander no longer mattered. Dakota had chewed on Alexander's neck until his head detached from his body.
   "You could not control your wolf for one second?"
   "Why was it so important for you to talk to him?" Reese approached Bryce, tightness in her throat from the snarl that wanted to emanate out. He was being disrespectful, approaching her mate the way he was.
   Bryce back away, his expression casual. Too casual.
   "Alpha. I put a pair of your clothes in car." Travis came with some new clothes, Dakota shifting human.
   Dakota's muscles ached but her injuries were healed. She dressed quickly. "Answer my mates question." Dakota's eyes narrowed on Bryce.
   "Is there something we're not seeing?" Shane looked between everyone confused.
   Patrice and her human friends walked up, blood smeared over her. She'd had her fight and succeeded.
   "There were things I left out."
   No one able to react as fast as Dakota she lunged herself at Bryce, punching him in the face.
   Everyone moved in defensive stance dubious to the problem.
   With one last look at Bryce, Dakota said, "Tell them."

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