Chapter Six

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"Rather Daniel was the perfect mate for you or not...he or anyone else would've never been good enough."

Something inside Dakota made her want to reach for Reese but Dakota stayed immobile as she listened. She needed to hear what Reese had to say.

Reese continued. "I've been by your side all my life. Saw you grow up as I did. Rise as a woman." Reese paused a moment, maintaining her posture. Reese thought of those very first moments as she noticed Dakota in a different way. Dakota eyes widen, softening from Reese affectionate words. "Countless men chased you and when Daniel came along, I did like him ... until he wanted you too." Reese stared off far into the woods. "Then I found out about his affairs. I realized ... no one would ever be worthy enough to be your mate ... except me."

Reese's eyes fell back onto Dakota's. A tear managed to escape through her barrier. Reese hadn't truly showed this much emotion since her parents death. "You were always meant to be my mate."

Dakota didn't know how to respond. She was fearful of her own words.

Reese didn't give Dakota the luxury to think of a response. Reese amble forward, closing the distance between them. Dakota's heart raced, her wolf surfacing. This deep sensation of arousal sparked between Dakota's thighs and she stifled a gasp. Her body was responding to Reese's warm invasion. It felt foreign but unforgettable and safe. Chills ran down the lower flank of Dakota's body.

Reese looked into Dakota's eyes giving her opportunity to retreat, but she was paralyzed by the desire of what Reese could provide. Dakota wanted to experience it.

Raising her hand up, Reese pressed the palms of her hands over the curve of Dakota's jaw, resting her fingers in her hair. "All I've ever wanted was to love you. I could never change that...and I don't want to now. We have been best friends for nearly a century. I don't expect you to feel...what I feel. But I'm done lying."

Reese's touch were intoxicating and absently Dakota tilted her head, pressing further into the firm fill of her hand.

Reese thumb unexpectedly grazed Dakota's bottom lip. Dakota groaned as if Reese had touched her down between her thighs.

When Dakota heard herself moan, she couldn't believe the sound of pleasure that came through her own lips. Daniel never pleased Dakota to this level even when he tried his hardest in the beginning. By the look of surprise in Reese's eyes, she didn't believe it either. Her eyes widen, pleased with Dakota's response.

There was no lying to herself now. Dakota wish she'd seen; felt this years ago. Dakota was so blinded the by expectation of her father, the pack, and even herself. There were times Dakota would stare at Reese, admiring her and wishing they could run off together. Those were the younger years when she only wanted to be with Reese and not carry the weight of being the Alpha's daughter. After accepting her fate, Dakota embraced her role living up to what was expected. Reese never left her thoughts. At night, when she would lie in bed with Daniel, she wished for Reese. Why couldn't she see?

Over a day ago she was blind to Reese's desires.

Now, Dakota's body ached for her; envisioning Reese's touch. Dakota felt frenzied like she did before shifting and running off last night. Dakota knew now, she wanted Reese to answer her call.

Wetness grew between Dakota's thighs, dampening her jeans. She stopped wearing panties long time ago. It was just one more thing to rip off when shifting.

Reese could smell Dakota's arousal. Her own was just as strong.

Reese gleamed, pleased that Dakota shared the same desires. It took her long enough. "I never thought you would want me. But you do." Leaning forward, Reese moved pass Dakota lips, down to the curve of her neck. She breathed in her scent.

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