Chapter 18

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   Dakota monitored her packs home, running from every corner of their home, a half a mile off in her wolf. The ambiance was dense and eerie, making her cautious of any nearby living being.
   In reach of her home, Reese waved Dakota to come over holding a pair of clothes in her hands.
   Dakota ambled over, her ears pointed up, never losing her guard.
   Shifting, Dakota formed into her human flesh with Reese standing protective near. "You have to relax." Reese understood why Dakota was so tense and filled with concern. Their pack took a big hit, losing their Alpha; Dakota's father. "Give me some of that weight you're feeling."
   Dakota stood stretching out, gathering that her mate was worried about her. Reese handed her sweat pants first and Dakota began slipping them on. "We can't afford another big loss."
   Reese spooned one side of Dakota's face into her hand, furthering her fingers into Dakota's hair, running her fingers through. Dakota took the sports bra from Reese's hand, looking into her mates eyes first, enjoying the comfort of Reese's hand. Reese stepped forward brushing a kiss on the other end of Dakota's face, onto her cheek.
   "You wolves have no modesty."
   Payden's statement earned her a sarcastic smile from both Dakota and Reese. Reese shrugged her shoulders. "We don't see nudity as being immodest."
   "Evidently..." Payden rolled her eyes with a hint of a smirk playing in the corner end of her mouth.
   "I knew you could play nice," Bryce stated to his progeny.
   Immediately, Reese ordered Dakota to finish dressing, not pleased with the proximity of Bryce within sight of her mate.
   Dakota did as told, not wanting to upset her mate. If Matthew was near and things were reversed Dakota would want Reese dressed and by her side at all times.
   Werewolves were naturally possessive and aggressive when it came to the care of their mate no matter who was near.
   By the thought of Matthew, he appeared, standing next to Bryce, patting his shoulder. "Hey buddy..." Matthew sang out.
   Bruce tilted his head to the side with a questioning look. "What is it?"
   Matthew frowned. "Why does there have to be a problem?"
   "Matthew..." Bryce spoke firm. "You do not want to cause our friends to lose their patience."
   Matthew carried his line a vision to Dakota first, who was giving him a very warning glare. It was a bit alarming and was sure to scare off anyone mundane.
   "They have a concern?"
   Matthew's response was vague leaving Dakota anxious. Her eyes narrowed. "Can you elaborate?" Her tone held calamity even she was surprised she possessed.
   "Well..." Matthew looked from Bryce to Dakota. "They have a tough job and they want to make sure this ends well."
   Dakota snarled, cutting off Bryce word's. If anyone had an laborious duty, it was her. "I did not choose to get them involved and quite frankly...I don't mind snatching Joshua out of their hands if need be. They are in my world." Dakota snarled louder with each word. That snatched everyone's attention; assuredly. Dakota was not going to beg for Joshua or pay these fucking humans. She would just take him. "I entertained doing things there way...least they can do is follow through."
   "Hey now...some of these humans are important to me," Matthew defended.
   "One way or mate; me... and this entire pack needs Joshua. The only question we get him."
   Shane walked over in better health, as if he was never physically harmed. He looked at Payden smiling lightly and then Matthew. "Are they coming or not?"
   Matthew abase his head, taking in a useless breath. Dakota never understood why vampires still tried to breathe in stressful moments like this. Possibly, it was a force of habit, from the years that they were human once. They weren't like to be born.
   "Please play nice?"
   "Are these not vampire hunters?" Dakota mocked absently. "They are adults who should know how to handle themselves."
   Matthew nodded. He pulled out his cellphone, dialing a number and Dakota listened attentively.
   "Come..." After he hung up, Matthew shook his head as if mentally talking to himself.
   "What's the issue Matthew?" Bryce said. "Even you are acting strange to me."
   "You'll see," Matthew stated vaguely.
  "Do you know what these humans want?" Shane asked.
   "I have an idea," he spoke vague again.
   Dakota was counting the number of times he spoke vague and about to challenge him when a car engine was heard at a distance. Maybe a mile or two, coming fast through their narrow path here.
   "Let's just wait..." Reese whispered in her mates ear. She knew what Dakota was about to do, because she was tempted to do the same.
   Dakota snarled, nodding her head. Brandon stepped out into the house and Dakota was about to order him back inside when she stopped herself. He had a right to be out here. She had to disagree with her father's methods in teaching Brandon how to be a more dominant Were. Her brother wasn't built the same way as her and that was alright. "Come to me."
   Brandon looked surprised she'd invited him to this meeting.
   His eyes looked at her with suspicion and Dakota laughed. She wasn't trying to tease him, only teach him through the respect he always deserved. "Do you want to join or not?"
   Brandon skipped down the porch as if being invited to the movies with popular kids. He did resemble a kid, in his teens at the moment with how giddy he was.
   Bryce shifted his eyes to Dakota's brother with curiosity and she snarled. "My little brother." That was a warning.
   Bryce took it, canting his head in a surrender to a possible argument. Dakota's tolerance dissipated hours ago.
   A military green jeep rolled up, slowing its acceleration, coming to a full stop twenty feet from where Dakota and the rest stood. Most of her pack was in the house sleep.
   Cindy came out, standing several feet back and Dakota had this urge to keep her close. Cindy had almost been killed by a group of rogue vampires and fortunately, Dakota found her in time. Cindy was thriving with new ambition and was about the same age as Dakota was when she truly began experiencing pack leadership and the hardships with that.
   Dakota would not take this opportunity away from Cindy. She was curious to see how she handled herself. This could be her moment of truth faced with a vampire who created the ones who attacked her.
   Cindy's eyes were narrowed on the jeep, forcing Dakota to gaze back at the new arrivals inside her packs territory.
   Matthew walked over to the jeep as the passenger door opened first.
   They were being cautious as expected, but for Dakota they needed to put a rush on it. She could smell the stench of mold and the dead inside the car though the humans did a great job at trying to cover up Joshua's scent. Dakota was highly skilled in her senses department.
   The view of a young woman, mid-twenties to be exact, dismounted, hopping into Matthew's arms with elation in seeing him.
   Once their embrace was over, Matthew waved the rest out, and four more humans stepped out.
   Protective, Matthew stood in front of the woman.
   She only laughed, patting his back as she stepped around him. "You're making me look weak and pathetic...stop." She kissed his cheek and he relaxed a bit.
   "Care to explain?" Bryce asked the obvious question for all of us.
   Matthew smiled cheekily. "She's my..." he frowned a moment as if trying to figure that question still out.
   "Wow gramps..." the woman snorted, in a giggly tone. "He's my great, great, great, great grandpa."
    "You sure it's four greats?" Matthew asked incredulous.
   "Yes..." she insisted. Matthew's four time great granddaughter turned to Dakota and Reese. "I'm Patrice...These are my employees and boyfriend Michael"--a guy with a thick beard and lean build stood forward nodding his head--"we have who you're looking for."
   Michael had a smile that bugged Dakota out. Like one of those humans too excited in being apart of something special. Too chirpy for Dakota but harmless.
   "Expose him..." Reese ordered.
   "See I'm," Patrice pointed her index finger up, contemplating her words.
   Dakota's eyes shifted to Matthew. "Honey...get to the point. These are werewolves..."
   Dakota snarled at his slight insult.
   "We want something first," one of the humans said.
   " give us the vampire...than we will talk," Reese demanded.
   "That's not good negotiating..." Michael had no idea who he was dealing with.
   "We allowed you into our territory...not something we do." Dakota's tone was unsettling. She stepped forward and Matthew moved in front of his granddaughter. Dakota snarled. "You wouldn't last with me..." Her threat was directed towards Matthew.
   "Now Dakota...he's my friend and I can't very well let you--"
   "Do you not see how serious...and deadly I am? My duty is to protect my pack and your vampires started this...killing my wolves. Now there are Weres joining that vampire in your that vampires sire cause." Dakota narrowed her eyes to on Bryce. "I am asking nicely and you know it. I can easily go pass you all and get him myself. Now bring me that fucking vampire or we're through talking and I'll retrieve him myself."
   That wasn't a request.
   Dakota could see Patrice considering her options than canted her head. She moved personally towards the jeep with her boyfriend beside her as they went to the trunk.
   Within seconds the vampire was within view and Reese grabbed onto Dakota's hand knowing she would move. "He is ours..."
   Patrice dragged him from one side, her boyfriend at the other. The vampire looked completely manhandled by humans know less.
   "What did you do to him?" Shane asked intrigued.
   "Rervain. A vampires worse poison." One of the humans that wasn't introduced by name spoke haughtily, with a smirk Dakota wanted to remove.
   "You do not speak again." Dakota told the man and he was about to commit that act again when Patrice turned to him. "Let me introduce those that stand beside me." Dakota introduced every Were that stood beside her and when she was done she addressed the man that spoke prior. "I do not like strangers in my territory...and you smell like someone...who wants to try and cause trouble. Don't draw attention to yourself. Or my wolf will hunt you on this night."
   The man shifted around awkwardly, turning his gaze from Patrice to Michael. They said nothing and he turned away staying silent.
   Patrice shoved the vampire forward and he stumbled to his knees, hands tied with silver, skin burned and peeling around it. Silver hated vampires more than werewolves as well as wood. A certain type of wood that could kill them with one strike to the heart.
   Dakota walked forward, snatching the vampire off the ground forcing him to stand.
   The vampire eyes gazed straight into Dakota's and he sneered, speaking swiftly as his eyes shimmer sapphire. "You will tell your pack to kill everyone here."
   He was trying to enthrall Dakota. He was doing a poor job of that.
   Patrice stiffened looking to Matthew and Dakota watched as Bryce waved for her to relax.
   "You want me to...kill everyone here." Dakota's tone was mocking, though the vampire was too wry or naive to realize she wasn't being enthralled.
   "That's it now."
   Dakota looked off to the humans. I am hungry.
   Reese smirked. "That's not funny."
   Dakota looked at her mated smiling. "Privacy of the mind perhaps..."
   Reese smirked again, running her fingers through Dakota's hair. "I am your mate. Your thoughts are mine."
   "Wait..." the vampire looked confused. "I compelled you."
   "You tried..." Dakota tilted her head to one side..."and you failed." Smiling grimly she spoke with poise. "I am Dakota...Alpha of this pack."
   The vampires eyes widen. "So it is true?"
   "What's your name?" Reese needed to confirm. She would see a lie if he wasn't and she didn't trust these humans.
   "Joshua...and my sire--"
   "We know...will come looking for you like I hope."
   "Your father was weak...are you?"
   Joshua's comment earned him a snarl. Dakota wanted to bite into him, ripping him apart but that would be too soon of a death and she couldn't control her wolf right now.
   "I won't entertain your comment any further..." She looked over to Patrice. "You have more of that rervain?"
   Patrice nodded.
   "Provide some before you leave." More to the point. "What do you humans want?"
   "My granddaughter..."
   "Matthew...she is not asking you," Bryce said.
   "I'm not sure of what you know of my family history. Matthew is the first in our family to become a vampire. He was turned hunting I do on a regular." Patrice sighed, and then continued with a new spark of energy in her voice. "I have no desire to ever be turned vampire. Not my style of breed. No offense gramps. I love grandfather...and it has twisted the way I hunt now. I only hunt vampires who turn rogue or simply enjoy conflicting harm on others."
   "We have met a few Weres...and we have respected your kind as well as many vampires like Patrice grandfather," Michael added.
   "I'm touched...but can we skip to the part where you tell my mate what you want." Reese was usually the one who listened and enjoyed discussions. It was how she sought out others weakness and views into making her judgment calls. At the moment with the loss of their Alpha and all the other pain that was caused onto their pack she didn't need to listen. She only needed to kill.
   "It is becoming extremely difficult hunting rogues lately...rather vampires or Weres." Patrice continued. "We want you to turn us."
   "No..." Matthew shot out.
   Dakota arched her brow, amused and curious at the same time.
   "We don't just turn humans into werewolves," Reese stated. "That is reckless. You do know how you are only able to possibly turn?"
   Patrice nodded. "We are aware."
   "Than you are also aware of the chances of you dying from our venom instead of turning," Reese furthered, incredulous.
   "Yes." Michael nodded.
   "Why are you risking your life?" Shane asked.
   "Because...I can only live to fight for a better future. Not just for humans...but for all of us. And I'm afraid I will be out of that fight if we don't change. Become...something more."
   Hearing Patrice confession, it was clear that she thought long and hard on all the risk it took. She had bravery, Dakota could give her that. Or stupidity.
   "I won't let you risk that?" Matthew sneered.
   "It is not your decision," she retorted.
   "And what about your father," Matthew asked.
   Patrice shrugged. "He already knows...and agrees." Patrice turned to Dakota. "My father stopped hunting after he nearly was killed...but it left him paralyzed. He knows that this is the path for me. My family has a generation of hunters but also a generation of dead ones." She said that last part to Matthew. "I could be the first werewolf in our family. And our family name carries a lot already."
   "Say I entertain this for a moment..." Dakota pulled everyone's attention back to her. "I've never turned a human but I already know how my wolf will feel. You will be mines. I would never create a Were to let run off as a cub. That is what your wolf would be, newly turned."
   "I do not expect that," Patrice agreed.
   Dakota did not expect that either.
   "When starting over, we all must learn from someone. I understand the dynamics in turning another and being what you consider your a progeny. All I ask is when I am solid enough in your allow me to continue to do what I'm meant to do. I would be under your leadership...but free to leave off and hunt."
   "We do not just turn humans." Reese snarled looking at her mate.
   "You are all fucking stupid," Joshua sneered.
   Brandon spoke and Dakota let him. "Then you shouldn't be worried."
   Dakota smiled at her brother and then kicked the vampire back to his knees, forcing him down in front of her.
Dakota. This mad. Would your father do this? Reese reached her mate through their bond with a frantic tone.
   Dakota closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, reevaluating her answers
There was no gain in turning these humans, but then...there was something she could miss through not turning them.
Some Weres that are born like Daniel, do not deserve to be Weres. But there are Shane, who were turned and he's one of the best Were we know.
   Dakota hoped Reese saw reason to that.
   " do realize...unless your few cousins and brother don't get are losing a chance to create more generations of our family," Matthew asked begrudgingly. "What I would do to be human and create a child?"
   "I would be werewolf and able to still do that."
   "It is hard for a female Were to conceive and not kill the baby before it is born," Matthew said.
   "Not under a pack like mines."
   Patrice and Matthew turned to Dakota's statement. "What I am able to pack will too. And I can teach a type of herbal remedy that can help."
   " you know this?" Bryce asked curious.
   "We all have our secrets and information to share. I'll give you how I know and we can talk about things you know later." Dakota was negotiating. Reese and her never the chance to ask about them conceiving as two women.
   Bryce nodded, not arguing with her method. "At least your compromising with me."
   "My mother was half fae."
   Everyone outside of my pack were completely surprised.
   "Your father never spoke of--"
   "Why should he have?" Dakota stated to Bryce.
   "I didn't think they exist," Patrice said astonished.
   "They don't allow you to notice them." Reese smiled.
   "I've met a few," Payden said, finally done playing with the paint on her long bright nails.
   "I learned through my mother." Dakota finished.
   "Will you consider turning us?" Patrice asked bluntly. "I believe...we could benefit each other on this."
   " not a business transaction." Reese stated. "Being a Were is special to us."
   "If I may...Alpha," Cindy stepped forward.
   Dakota waved her to come forward. "I was turned." She moved to the front looking directly towards the humans. "Not by choice. Lost one family to gain a much better. Not all of you are deserving. I love who I am now. I love the wolf that stirs and pace in me. But my wolf does trust that everyone one of you are deserving."
   "Well that's not your call to make." That same human male spoke without permission after being told to never speak again and before Dakota could react, Cindy ran forward, pass Patrice without any of the humans stopping her as she ducked under, dodging his fist and came up, upper-cutting him. He collapsed to the ground with a broken jaw. "My Alpha said to be quiet."
   Cindy looked down at him shaking her head and than walked pass the humans into the direction of Dakota.
   She stopped a few feet from Dakota and their eyes locked for only a few seconds before Cindy turned away with a blush on the cheek. Dakota reached in, cupping her face and than tilted her head to the side as Cindy stood back to the side.
   "A human that is disobedient and too arrogant...makes for a bad Were in my pack." Dakota pursed her lips looking to her mate.
   Reese held no more argument. "I trust your decision. I agree with it."
   Dakota turned to her dearest friend Shane, who she'd come to many times for advice. " I trust you Alpha."
   "If you all survive this fight I have with the rogues and their leaders...because you will have to prove to me I can trust you. That I can rely on you...then I will turn you...if that is what your body will accept after I do my end."
   Patrice sighed a relief, smiling. "Thank you...Alpha." She looked down to the man Cindy knocked out cold. "I understand your message...loud and clear. You won't see him again. And his memory will be gone of this night and all he's done with me." She turned to Matthew. "My grandfather will see to that."
   Matthew nodded looking defeated.
   "Now...what will we do next?" Bryce asked.
  "Yeah," Payden responded with a fake yawn. "All this talking is making me tired and hungry."
   Dakota smiled mischievously ignoring Payden's comment, than leer her eyes down at Joshua. "Let's start with him."

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