Unexpected Mistletoe

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Unexpected Mistletoe

ShadAmy Boom!

Amy wasn't expecting to be trapped in a cave during Christmas Eve. Not only that but she was trapped alongside Shadow The Hedgehog. He wasn't only Team Sonic's biggest threat but he was a total 'do not talk to me or I'll kill you' kind of hedgehog. Therefore, Amy was really surprised when she woke up and found that Shadow saved her from dying in the middle of a snowstorm. She really didn't see that coming.
There was a heavy air around both of them. Not a single word coming out of their mouths, only the cracking of the logs as the fire burn it into ashes. Amy couldn't take the silence anymore and decided to make a small conversation with the most anti-social hedgehog she has ever meet.


"No need to thank me", Shadow gave her a cocky smile, and Amy had to admit that he had actually read her mind. She wanted to thank him but she didn't want to give him that pleasure anymore by seeing the way he had reacted.

"What? No, I wasn't going to thank you...I could have saved myself anyways", Amy rolled her eyes and moved her body away from Shadow as to show that she was offended by his quick remark.

"Yeah, because when I found you buried in the snow you were fully conscious, weren't you?"
Amy never knew that Shadow was one to be sarcastic. Well, not like she knew a lot about him anyways, the only moments she had talked to him was during battle and they weren't any friendly words exchanged that day.

"Yes I...I wasn't", Amy knew she had lost the battle and she also didn't want to sound ungrateful. Shadow saved her, after all, there was no doubt about it. "Thank you", She said it loud and clear and even Shadow was surprised at her sudden change of heart. He wanted to keep giving her a hard time, but he thought he must have had enough misfortunes for the day.

"Not like I care what you do but...why were you out? It was all over the news that a snowstorm was coming"

Amy was learning more and more about Shadow now. She discovered two things, Shadow listens to the news and he can actually start a conversation when he wants to.

"Its Christmas Eve tonight and I was having a party tonight with my friends. I forgot to buy the mistletoe and I thought I would make it on time before the snowstorm hit but...that wasn't the case and now I am here"

"You almost die because you wanted to buy a mistletoe? I thought your team was stupid but you take the cake"

"It was important to me ok?!, Maybe with it, Sonic and I could finally be-", Amy interrupted herself, blushing at the fact that she almost told Shadow that she liked Sonic. "Never mind, you wouldn't understand anyway".

"I think everyone on the whole island is aware of your 'feelings' for that blue rat...but you expect too much from him. He is the only stupid one who doesn't know that you like him". Shadow didn't even know why he showing concern for the pink hedgehog. Something about her amused him and he was deep down enjoy the small talk.

"If only I wasn't so shy...maybe I wouldn't be in this situation", Amy gave up. There was not really point in hiding her feelings if Shadow already knew about them.

"You are probably right"
Amy gave a small smirk, Shadow could be nice when he wanted too she, guessed. A few seconds passed and since she didn't want to let the conversation die, she continued it.

"And what about you Shadow?"

"What about me?"

"What does a super villain like you do during Christmas Eve?"

"Saving pink furballs"

'Shadow can make jokes...noted'

Amy gave him a serious face. Showing that there was nothing funny about his comment, Shadow felt embarrassed which is strange for him because he would mostly be unbothered by such serious remarks.

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