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A/n: Merry Christmas everyone!

"No, absolutely not!" Strauss slammed her hand on her desk, making me wince. "This," she gestured her hand between me and Aaron, "this relationship between you two is outrageous!"

"We just want to have the weekend off, what the hell is your problem?" I raised my voice with restricted eyebrows.

"It's incredibly inappropriate for Agent Hotchner to associate himself with you in such a manner and I demand that you end this right now!" The look in her eyes told me not to argue with her, but hell, you expect me to let her tell me what to do?

"You think you're some kind of fucking God?" I gave her a death glare, I had already lost too much and losing Aaron would break me, I knew it.

"I don't think you understand, Erin," Aaron stepped forward. "This isn't some stupid game, we really like each other."

I looked up at him, "you like me? Aw, that's cute," I smiled.

"Of course I do, you knew that, right?" He raised his eyebrows in that attractive way only he can.
"Oh, yeah, sorry," I laughed. "I like him too," I turned my head to Strauss with a convincing look on my face.

"I will certainly not allow it!" She raised her voice.

"Then I will have to take the weekend off due to Jack being sick, it is my duty as a parent to care for my son." Aaron said, giving Strauss a cocky look. I almost laughed at it, almost.

"And Alex just lost a family member, she needs the weekend off for psychological reasons," he continued with a smug look on his face.

"Yes!" I joined in, "I'm mourning!" I gave Strauss a pleading look, the words I spoke was, in fact, true. I was mourning, it had only been a few days since the funeral and I had been sleeping at Garcia's ever since. The truth was that I couldn't bring myself to go back to the apartment, her apartment. Not when I knew she wasn't going to be there, ever.

Strauss looked from me to Aaron, giving us both dark looks. "Fine," she said at last. "I will give you the weekend off," she leaned back in her chair with a sigh, defeated. "But if I find out that you two spent the weekend together I will have no other choice than to-"

"Thank you ma'am," I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. I dragged Aaron out of her office.

"Why did I just get turned on by you lying?" I asked as we left the building, earning a low chuckle from the man beside me.

"Try to restrain yourself and I will pick you up at Garcia's in an hour," he replied and gave me a peck on the cheek before turning to leave to his car. I almost let him get away when it dawned on me.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled and jogged up to his car, "you are my ride to Garcia's," I smirked.
"Right," Aaron chuckled. "Get in."


Aaron refused to tell me where we were going for the weekend so it was kind of hard to decide what to bring, not that I had much stuff in my closet anyway. It was June so I assumed it probably wasn't going to be cold, boy was I wrong. By the time the plane landed safely on the ground, snow had begun to fall.

"Welcome to Colorado," Aaron said with a smile on his face.

"Are you serious?" I said dumbfounded, I definitely did not pack for this.

"Well, it's ALMOST Aspen but why be so exact?" Aaron replied with a smirk, waving for a cab. I huffed before giving him a smile. "And thank you for letting me bring Jack, JJ couldn't look after him this weekend," Aaron gave me a grateful smile.

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