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"What are you doing here?" I sat down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"I waited for you in the car but you didn't show, so I went in to make sure that everything was okay," he said with a small smile.

"He is so nice, isn't he?" Rose smiled. "And cute too," she said and winked at me. 

I rolled my eyes at her and she just laughed. 

"It's so nice to finally meet some of  Alex's friends," Rose continued.

"You've met some of my friends before, you just never like them," I said and grabbed the peanuts sitting on the counter, putting some in my mouth.

"Because they're all criminals," she sneered.

I snorted, "they weren't all criminals, remember Jackie? She was nice."

"She electrocuted you!"

"Well, I lived, didn't I?"

"Let's not discuss this now," Rose gave me a warning look. "Aaron made breakfast for you, say thank you."

"Rose, I'm not a child," I frowned. "I would've said thank you even if you didn't ask me to," I said, annoyed.

"I know, it's just so great to have someone to take care of again," she smiled before disappearing into the bathroom.

"More like boss around," I rolled my eyes while giving away a small smile.

"She's great," Aaron said.

"Yeah, she is," I agreed.

"Now eat your breakfast, we're late," he put a plate with eggs and bacon in front of me.

"How did you even find eggs and bacon in there?" I looked at the fridge.

"I didn't," he retorted, "that thing hasn't been used for years, and I'm pretty sure I saw a dead rat in it."

"Yeah, wouldn't surprise me," I mumbled before stuffing my mouth full with eggs. "You might have to take me grocery shopping," I said through bites.

"Why do I have to come?" he asked confused.

"Well, the nearest store is fifteen minutes away and I don't have a car," I finished my breakfast and put the plate in the dishwasher, "and I don't like to walk."

"You should get a driver's license," he said while walking towards the door.

"You've seen our fridge, does it look like I can afford one?" I followed him out the door and to his car.


We stepped into the office, there was barely any people there except for the team. I sat down in my chair and put my feet on the desk.

"So, what's happening today?" I asked.

"Not much, we don't have a case yet so mostly paperwork," Aaron answered before heading to his office.

"In other words; a boring ass day," I mumbled.

JJ sat down beside me, "so, you and Hotch?" She smiled.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You've come in together everyday since you started," she smirked.

"Yeah, because otherwise I would have to take the subway and that's no fun," I said.

"So there's nothing between you?" she raised her eyebrows.

"God no, he thinks of me like a student or something."

"Well, students and teachers hooking up is kind of hot," Morgan joined in.

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