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After a few days in the hospital I was ready to go home, if I was even allowed to call it that anymore. Aaron insisted on giving me a ride and even though I wasn't exactly excited, I didn't have a driver's license and even if I had, I wouldn't be able to drive with just one arm.

"Sorry I yelled at you in the hospital," he said, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you," I answered and he nodded slightly.

I looked out the window as we passed a small lake, and I couldn't remember the last time I'd taken a bath.

"And sorry about the hole in your jacket," he looked at me for half a second before turning his gaze back to the road.

"I kind of like it," I looked at the hole. "It looks badass, don't you think?" I smirked.

"It sure does," he gave out a quiet laugh. "First time you were shot?" he asked.

I turned to him.

"What do you think?"

"When you say it like that I'm going to have to say no," he smile tugging at his lips.

Aaron pulled up in front of the apartment building which was my former home.

"Why did you decide to settle down here?" He asked before stepping out of the car.

"Well, I grew up in a small town in Boston but when my dad went to jail I was only fourteen, so Rose took custody of me," I got out of the car and walked through the door that led to the stairwell, with Aaron right behind me.

As we walked up the stairs I continued talking, "we moved around a bit because of.. my job"

"How did you get into that? I mean, torturing people isn't really what most kids wants to do when they grow up, even if it's bad people," Aaron's voice was soft, like he was afraid that he would hurt my feelings.

"Rose was poor, like really poor and she couldn't work because an accident had put her in a wheelchair for life," I smiled to assure him that it was all good. "My dad had some contacts and I did what I had to do to survive, for Rose to survive. Washington was always her favorite, so we decided to stay here."

"Has she been alone for the past two years?" He asked concerned.

"No, I have a friend to come and check on her every now and then."

We had come up to the fifth floor and was standing outside of the apartment door where Rose lived.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Aaron said, knowing I was kind of nervous to meet Rose again.

"No, I think you've done enough," I smiled. "Thank you."

I will see you at the bureau then," he said before disappearing down the stairs.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I slowly pushed the handle down and put my head through the door.

"Hello?" I said before entering.

"Alex? is that you?" I heard Rose's voice.

"Yeah, it's me," I said as I walked through the livingroom and entered the small kitchen.

When Rose saw me her mouth turned into a big smile, you know the kind of smile that spreads through your whole face and gives that sparkle in your eyes. She looked exactly like she did the last time I saw her two years ago. Her short white hair had thoroughly been combed and her brown eyes had nothing but love in them. She was about 78 years old but definitely didn't look the part.

I sat down on my knees and wrapped my arms around to the woman in front of me, holding onto her shirt with my fists. She was the only person that I truly felt at peace with.

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