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I took a deep breath. Fresh air. Not that I haven't been out since I got into jail, it's just not the same with the bars. Hotchner was waiting for me by his car, or the bureaus car. A black SUV.

"Let me see it," was the first thing he said to me.

I sighed, but posed excessively with my foot to show him my tracker. He smiled and opened the car door for me. I gave him a sarcastic smile before climbing in, it smelled just like him in there. Hotchner got into the car as well and we drove off to my new workplace. 

It was weird, I wasn't used to working with people. People have always just told me who the target was and then I did whatever I thought was more efficient. And no, I didn't kill them. I just tortured them into confessing.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Hotchner pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Will they really be okay with this? I mean, I hurt a lot of people," I looked out the window.

"They will have to be," he replied, and I sighed, it didn't sound very convincing. "It's alright, they won't think any less of you," he gave me a quick look before his eyes were focused on the road again.

"I'm not worried about what they'll think, I just don't want them to be uncomfortable around me."

We pulled up in front of the FBI building and the closer we got the more nervous I was. I didn't know why, I was just nervous about meeting the team. I mean, they were all profilers which meant it would be easy for them to see through me. As we stepped into the elevator, I felt my hands starting to sweat. 


In about 20 seconds I would have to shake hands with Hotchner's team, and to have sweaty hands is not the best way to introduce yourself.

We stepped out of the elevator and into a busy office. It seemed like everyone had something to do or somewhere to be.

"Everyone's in the briefing room," Hotchner stated as he led the way.

As we came closer I could hear the conversation that was going on in the room. 

"She is gonna help us hunt psychopaths?" By the tone of the voice I could tell that someone wasn't happy about me consulting them. "She is a psychopath"

We stepped into the room and the guy who was talking turned around. I looked at him, head to toe. 

"Well, Agent Morgan, I really do prefer creative," I gave him a small smile.

"Uhm.. I just.. sorry," the Agent clenched his neck.

"It's fine," I smirked.

"Everyone, this is Alex Blake," Hotchner stepped forward.

"Wait, do you mean Blake as in-" A woman with blonde hair came into the room and started speaking, but was cut off by another Agent.

"She was abused her whole life, her father killed her mother and after that -"

"Reid, that's enough," Hotchner cut him off.

"No, it's okay, fluffy boy has done his research, it's flattering really."

The boy named Reid pouted his lips slightly and laid his hand on top of his hair.

"This is David Rossi, Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau, or JJ as we call her, Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan," Hotchner introduced every single one of the Agents in the room.

"Call me Dave," one of them said as we shook hands.

"I didn't expect you to guess my name," Morgan spoke up.

BLAKE | a. hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now