Chapter 7

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T'Challa had been put through the rigor with trying to do rehab and run a country. His personal specialist was proud of the immediate process the King was making over the course of the few weeks, "Are you staying hydrated?"

T'Challa nodded, "Yes, and when I think about the pills I immediately think of something else."


He didn't want to pat himself on the back but he was doing very well and he had to because there was so much at stake. To get him through the grueling process of getting clean, he often thought of you and all of the beautiful memories made together. He longed for more and would do everything in his power to have you back home.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when his children came into his office, "Good morning, Baba." Mala couldn't stay mad at her father and best friend for long. While she never got what she heard out of her mind, she knew that he was trying his best. They hugged and she acknowledge Dr. Yasir, "Are you helping my Baba get better?"

"Yes but you want to know something cool? He is actually doing great without me."

"Oh stop." T'Challa chucked and was happy to hear high remarks. "Well I must get going, remember this week's plan and stick to it." They shook hands and the doctor left his office.

"What is going on, Princess?"

"I want to visit Mama." She answered truthfully. "Oh, well give her a call."

"I did but she told me I couldn't miss school." The Princess was pouting and T'Challa wanted to ensure that she got her way. "Well how about you ask her to come visit."

"She won't, Abdul and I tried already." He was quickly saddened by the fact that you were serious about staying away. "Well maybe we can find an alternative."

"I guess."

Abdul rushed into T'Challa's office, "I am going to visit Mama!"

"WHAT?" Mala jumped up, "Yup, since I don't have school she said I could visit."

"Not fair!"

"She knew you would say that and told me to tell you that after you finish the first two weeks, you can come out for the weekend."

It was settled, the Prince was coming to visit you. It was actually his first time and you wanted him to feel just like he was at the palace, so you prepared a spread that you knew he would enjoy. When you saw the aircraft land you rush outside to greet him. "Mommy!" His little legs ran to you and you picked him up, "Didn't I tell you to have a jacket?" You scolded lightly. It was November and he wasn't use to such frigid temperatures.


"Come on, so you don't catch a cold. It's freezing out here." You kissed his face and he couldn't stop laughing, "Prince Abdul." Kali and Ayo did the salute and instead of returning it back he ran to them and gave them hugs.

You snatched off your hat and turned around to him, "Let me show you your room."

"Um, mom." His mouth was slightly agape as he stared at your new cut. "You like?"

He grinned a toothy grin, indicating that he did indeed lose his tooth, and nodded "You look pretty!"

"Why thank you!"

After helping him unpack and getting him comfortable, you two ate dinner. "You cooked all of this?"

"Sure did, why?"

"I didn't think you could cook." At least he was honest, "I can whip a little something. I was someone before I met your dad."

"Speaking of dad," 

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