Chapter 5

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Warnings: 4.5k words, Angst, Drug Abuse, and Asshole Demonic T'Challa

The Porter's Little Neck, New York home was concealed from their nosy neighbors and in this moment in time Tasha Porter couldn't be more grateful, the unexpected arrival of her only child was a cause for concern and when she saw how stressed out a...

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The Porter's Little Neck, New York home was concealed from their nosy neighbors and in this moment in time Tasha Porter couldn't be more grateful, the unexpected arrival of her only child was a cause for concern and when she saw how stressed out and poorly fed you were, alarms went off.

"Maya-" She couldn't even mutter out your name before you flew into her arms and began sobbing. "What the hell is going on?" Your dad rounded the corner and immediately went to hug you. While in their 60's, your first protectors never hesitated to bust a cap in someone's ass over you.

Tears stained your mother's floral blouse as she rocked you back and forth on the couch, your dad walked back and forth in front of you both, trying to let you cry everything out but he wanted answers. His first instinct was that T'Challa was behind all of this and it had to be bad because his grandchildren weren't here with you.

He assumed that in an act of desperation, you fled Wakanda not without your personal guard of course because after everything Ayo had seen and heard, she wasn't going to let you go by yourself.

"Star, what happened?" James Porter was a patient man but when it concerned you, he wanted immediate answers. "MAYA!"

"JAMES! Can't you see our baby is hurting, give her time damn it."

He grumbled and put his hands on his hips before bending down, "I'm getting too old to be bending down and shit, Janae. Now you listen, you know I still run things. I have men that still patrol these streets for me. I got them everywhere, so before I dispatch my angels to kill T'Challa, did he hit you?"

"No." You mumbled, which was a major relief for the both of them. Their worst fear was a man putting their hands on you and they didn't peg T'Challa to be the type but they couldn't put past him or anyone. "Baby, what happened?" Mom grabbed some tissue and wiped your face, "You can tell us, we are still your parents."

You nodded, "I know. I know."

"Is this all because of the assassination attempt?" You nodded again, "Yes ma'am."

"Well what happened?"

Taking a deep breath, you relayed to them the happenings that lead you here.


It was another day of playing nurse to your husband who was now turning into more of a stranger everyday. His spirit was clouded by anger and defeat and that carried on into the way he treated you.

After storming out of the room the other night due to his rude remarks, you mustered up the strength to go back in the room but that moment didn't go unnoticed by Okoye and Ayo. They made sure to keep their eyes and ears open for the sake of your sanity and safety. They even took over on some days, "I can take him to his office, my Queen."

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