Chapter 10

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New chapter, sorry for any errors. I'm not feeling well enough to revise atm. 

Warnings: Angst

Everyone in the palace could sense a shift in the King and Queen's relationship during T'Challa's injury. They didn't understand how such a loving couple could crash and burn within months. And when you left there was a void that everyone felt.

People were afraid to even look T'Challa in the eye during your absence because he was always angry. Because of losing you and the mixture of the medication but now that you were back, they could finally breathe knowing he was better.

T'Challa was working on permanently ending his addiction to the opioids and he sang your praises to anyone who would listen. "Dr. Yasir was good but Maya, bast, that woman can do anything."

Ramonda smiled, "I am happy to see you are doing much better." He nodded, "Me too, Mama."

Placing her teacup down on the table, she cleared her throat "So what are the plans for Maya's birthday?"

"I have not the slightest idea. I usually take her on vacation but since I am trying to get back in her good graces, maybe a family dinner." T'Challa had wanted to do so much for you on your birthday but recognized he had to get on your good side. You were slowly opening up more but not as fast as he had hoped. The King had many gifts he wanted to spoil you with, one was 10 inches long and didn't quit but that would come with time.

"Where is she, by the way?"


"Glory to bast, that girl is finally getting therapy." Ramonda was happy that you were no longer putting your mental health on the back burner.

After spending a few more minutes at breakfast, T'Challa got up "Well if you will excuse me. I have to go with Erik. We begin the interrogation today."

Queen Mother gasped, "I forgot that bastard was still in our custody. Why hasn't he been executed yet?"

"They were waiting for me to get better. And since today is the best I have felt in a very long time, I figured I would go."

She nodded, "Very well. Be careful." He leaned in to give her a kiss on the forehead, "Yes ma'am."


T'Challa felt the same uneasy feeling that came over him just moments before he was shot. With Erik and Okoye walking at his side, they made their way under the cold catacombs of Wakanda's Prison facility and to the most secure floor that housed it's worst inmates.

While it didn't have many problems with criminals, Wakanda still wanted to ensure that those who committed crimes were in the world's most secure and impenetrable place.

"So this nigga is nuts and a bit of a manipulator. Don't let him get into your head T." Erik gave T'Challa a thorough run-through while he read the man's files.

"Thank you."

The General and the King stepped into the room where the man was tightly chained to a chair.

"I see you finally woke up from your long sleep." The man with a thick Spanish accent said through a chuckle.

T'Challa was pretty good at interrogation and rightfully so due to all the criminals he took down but the man sitting in front of him was already getting under his skin. "Who are you?"

"Me? I am Salvador Gustav and that is all you need to know."

"Why did you try to shoot my wife?"

Salvador laughed, "Because she had it coming."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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