Chapter 4

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Warnings: 3.5k words, Angst, Drug Abuse, and Asshole Challa!

"No." You shook your head, clamping your hand over your mouth, trying to muffle the uncontrollable sob that escaped your small figure. The kids were confused and didn't understand why the glorious moment of T'Challa waking up was now replaced with frantic doctors and their parent's dismay.

"I can't feel my left side."

The ramblings of the doctor's went over the children's head, "What's wrong Baba?" You sighed and bent down to match your children's height. "I am going to need you both to leave the room-"

"What? No! We just got here!" Mala was just as stubborn as you were and even now more so that because it was involving her dad. Your patience was wearing thin,"Mala-"

The young Princess' voice raised, catching you a bit off guard,

"Why won't you let us see him! It is bad enough he got shot in front of us and now you are trying to keep everything a secret!"

"I SAID GO MALAIKA!" Abdul hid behind her and she jumped. 

"You are being rude and disrespectful. When I say do something I am only doing it for your protection. Now go, I won't say it again!" You pointed to the door and gave her a look that scared her. Abdul staggered behind, "Dul-"

"Mama-" He just stared at you with his wide eyes that resembled his father's. 

"Go with your sister, please."

After his exit, you walked back over to T'Challa who had managed to hold his cries until the children left the room. "What, how the fuck is he paralyzed?"

"When he was shot the ion channel in the muscle member was affected. We looked carefully at the spinal cord and it appeared to be fine." The first Doctor said, using his Kimoyo bracelet to scan T'Challa's arm. "The nerves aren't active," He said shaking his head at the projected image.

The second doctor spoke up, "It seems temporary though, which is good news but-"

"But?" You asked. "We aren't sure how long this is going to last. It could last days, weeks, months, or an entire year. Temporary doesn't mean forever but it also doesn't mean immediately."

You looked over at T'Challa, who was staring ahead. "Challa, are you okay?" He shook his head, "What happens from here? Does he need treatment? Therapy?"

"He will need to take physical therapy, but for now he just needs to stick to the medication and rest. Yes, the heart shaped herb flowing through his body is helping but at this point he will need all the assistance he can get. That means taking it day by day. He may need help with simple tasks,"

You nodded and listened as closely as you could, for yourself and him. T'Challa was still trying to process everything. He was a man that once able to stop a moving car with one hand, now he couldn't even lift his left arm.

All of the information flew right out of his ear, "So why would he need medication if he can't feel anything?"

"The body is very complex Queen Udaku, he will still feel pain on his right side and even well in his left. The pain is still there but the movements will not be recognized by the brain." You weren't a doctor or a scientist or remotely medically inclined but you tried to put two and two together.

Nodding rapidly, you looked over to T'Challa whose face was stained with tears. "We're going to get through this baby."

They discharged him a day later and gave you his medication and as many instructions as you could take. He was relieved to finally see his bed room but didn't like the feeling of being brought to it in a wheelchair. "Home sweet home, right?" You tried to be as optimistic as possible while you laid down your things and tended to him.

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