EPISODE 1: Scene 1 - The setting of Quinnis

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(Opening titles)

We are in the setting of the planet Quinnis. A lost planet, forgotten by the rest of the universe. The landscape of the sky is merely a murky fog colour with some polluted clouds unhealthily hanging high up. Although more of a jungle planet, the vegetation of the planet died a long time ago, hundreds of years ago perhaps. There are rare trees standing around, even though that none of them are still alive. The bushes and leaves have turned sickly and are now lying dead on the mushed, infertile mud and cracked paths. Everything here has died. The grizzly and sinister fog simply swirls over and over thriving on the lost landscape, the only sound of this misplaced desert. However, some cries can be heard from somewhere, not from what we see. Then, we zoom down to a pave stone, cracked and marked, which is where the sound booms from. It is where an underground setting lays. We are now inside this place. Cramped, low, untidy, people cry out at these few special individuals standing on platforms high above the rest of the angered. They wore strange clothing, like the ones seen in The Face Of Evil (1977) yet are more ragged, and a far paler green and not quite so little as the ones seen allowing more features to be shown. Standing high on this platform above the rest of the room, which although is fairly condensed, its' floor space can reach out quite far. The stoned walls also allow access for access to other rooms in the underground household, going deeper and deeper below the planet's surface. Among the ones on the platform is Ross, the oldest and wisest, a man of word and leader of the settlers. Next to him on each side is Vishar and Tara, younger and both good-looking helping the leader - a cute couple. Vishar is also the son of Ross. In the roaring crowd is Traag, a nasty sort of person, a bully yet cowardly, wanting to take control of Ross's place. His two daft followers, Sard and Serd, almost like two close twins do nothing but follow him around no matter what. Someone else in the crowd, the quiet but brave Lycia, stands in the crowd silently not really having much said as the people cry out in anger lividly. Meanwhile, Ross fails to control the crowd miserably.


Now please, please listen! All of you!


Admit it old man, you can't do anything. You're a bad leader.


Yeah, a bad leader.


Yeah, bad leader.


Hey! Just give him a chance everyone!


You better keep your mouth shut to Vishar. In case you'll be thrown out with your old, defeated man.

Vishar was about to jump down and grab Traag, if Tara didn't hold him back.


Don't! He wants you to react. He isn't worth it. Remember, be the bigger man.

Lycia finally has the courage to speak up for once in front of everyone in the crowd.


Just let them say what they've got to say first.


Yeah, what they say.

He is nudged by Sard to keep quiet.


No we don't idiot.


You know what, let him speak for once. Let us see what his precious Corvax has to say for a change. Silence!

The booming finally ceases.


Thank you everyone. Our mighty lord Corvax has spoken to us again. He tells me of a time when we continue one day, that an all-powerful lord will come back to Quinnis and recover the lands. Make the soil grow again. Eat the fruit off the trees, make the grass fertile again!


Well we've heard all that before haven't we?

The crowd mostly agree.


But I have seen it with my own eyes, he has shown me once and for all!

A rotten vegetable of some sort is catapulted from the audience and hits him.


Yeah, heard that all before. And what's been done about it exactly?


Please everyone...


Not good I'm please to say Vishar. Get on out of here, with your Grand-dad and your precious Tara before you look just as bad as you're old man.


Yeah, old man.


Oh no. Here he goes on again.


Ross is a bad leader. He belives in the old and all-powerful Corvax to make the planet heal all better. An old, worthless and crippled leader. With me, I will be leader. I will make you all better. We shouldn't fear a creature with merely only one gun when there is an army to tackle a weak, stuck-up fake God.


He is not a fake God!


Yeah, fake God.

Vishar and Tara both turn to each other in disarray.


Come with me, I have had enough of this. I need some fresh air - kind of.

They both quietly exit.

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